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The next morning had them walking into the bullpen at eight fifteen. Their routine began as usual, with Reed clocking them in while Nines fixed his morning coffee. The difference was that as he fixed the coffee, he hacked into the forensics lab's visual feed. Haley and Brad were working the shift in the lab that morning. That was fortunate. Both had personal experience with Reed, and they didn't dislike each other so much these days. Haley was currently working on a drug analysis for narcotics, testing the contents of an unknown substance. It was likely red ice, or was being sold as red ice. Brad was just getting started on matching a bullet to a gun. It wasn't related to Stan's case, but it was still gang related. He kept the feed active as he returned to his desk and dropped off the coffee.

"Thanks." Reed was still half asleep as he reviewed a case on his terminal. It wasn't one of his own. He'd only just returned after the Hickory Killer incident, so they were both on light duties. He was simply giving input to others, offering leads and advice. It was a good role for him. He may have once been the department asshole, and still was to an extent, but he was also one of the best detectives on the force. His insights were invaluable, and with his new approachable attitude, he was finding more newcomers were willing to reach out for help.

Nines turned on his own terminal and reviewed his internal emails. He had very few. Since he wasn't the lead detective, that was to be expected. Reed got the majority of their work emails. The emails he received were often from other androids within the precinct, seeking advice on how to deal with their assigned humans or voicing complaints. These emails often went to Connor, but more recently, it seemed Nines had been deemed more approachable. His success at gaining a close and workable relationship with his formerly antagonistic partner hadn't gone unnoticed. Many had never expected Gavin Reed to become civil, let alone kind.

Nines' brow furrowed as he read over the latest message from one of the PC200 androids. During his regular night shift, he complained his partner and a few of the other officers kept teasing him and speculating on whether he'd had a genital component installed. The verbal teasing he could live with, but one of the female officers had attempted to grope him to make a more accurate assessment. He didn't want to risk any of them losing their jobs, but the physical encounter had left him somewhat shaken. He was finding it difficult to interact with these humans, and his partnership was suffering somewhat because of it. That's disturbing...It was unacceptable for humans to do that to one another in the workplace, and such rules had been extended to include their android colleagues. It was sexual harassment and verged on speciesism. Verbal contemplation of what an android had beneath their clothing was not an acceptable topic of conversation.

He would bring it up with Fowler himself, only the android in question was adamant that he didn't want his co-workers to get in trouble. Perhaps this in an issue better directed towards Connor...He'd noticed his brother was often more diplomatic in his approach. If there was a way to solve things without involving their superiors or creating a tense working environment, then Connor was the best person to ask. In Nines' opinion, these humans didn't deserve such consideration, and the android in question was likely trying to find an easy solution to prevent animosity within his department.

Nines forwarded the message to Connor with his own thoughts attached and checked in on forensics again. Brad was on the move. It was almost eleven fifteen, just as he'd predicted the night before. He watched him head to the elevator, which would bring him up to a corridor just down the hall from the interrogation rooms. He looked up and waited for him to leave the elevator and cross to the evidence locker. Viewing the live feed from there, Nines watched him walk to the expected case to sign out the required firearm, which was neatly sealed within a plastic bag.

"Gavin." Nines nodded toward the hall, encouraging him to follow as he headed across the bullpen. Reed followed, partly nervous and partly bewildered as Nines strode into the breakroom and poured a plain black coffee. From the machine. He didn't bother to heat it as usual. It was safer that it remain lukewarm. "Your coffee, Detective...Tell me, do you believe there is a possibility that Detective Yates would fabricate evidence in order to ensure a favourable outcome in Mr Lent's case?" Nines asked conversationally as he directed him to follow. Brad would come out of the evidence locker soon. Reed almost scoffed, something bitter in his expression as he fell instep without question.

Tick Tock Part Three - DockOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora