Crumpets and Compassion

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Gavin groaned as he rolled over and stumbled to his feet. His head felt thick and cottony as he padded across to the bathroom in the dim grey of dawn, barely registering that the room was much bigger than usual. He instinctively remembered his way around his room at Elijah's house, passing the sofa and low table and stepping into the massive bathroom without tripping or knocking into anything. His bladder was full to bursting as he finally arrived, vaguely considering whether he felt sick enough to vomit. He didn't. His stomach was churning, but it was a small swirl. It was enough to make him feel nauseous, but he wouldn't actually throw up. He groaned as he splashed his face and brushed his teeth. The stale taste of old alcohol lingered in his mouth. It was gross.

"Good morning," Nines greeted softly as he appeared in the doorway. Gavin grunted tiredly, barely blinking as he brushed and scrubbed. A softer hum slipped out as a large hand laced in his hair and soothed his scalp. "You're dehydrated..." The tone was both observant and somehow chiding at the same time. Gavin rinsed and dried his mouth before turning and dragging Nines down into a heated kiss. Nines accepted the demanding treatment, taking the opportunity to check his alcohol level. Lower than the night before, but still over the legal limit. Luckily, Colin was going to drop them all at work after breakfast.

"Am I still drunk?" Gavin teased quietly as he drew back and looked up with hazy green eyes, still filled with sleep. Nines reached up and cupped his cheeks, stroking away the small crusts of sleep with his thumbs and gently kissing his nose. Gavin still couldn't get over how soft Nines' lips felt every time they kissed. He rested his hands on Nines' hips and leaned back against the sink lazily, still half asleep. Nines gave him a small smile as he took in his tired, ringed eyes and pale skin.

"You're not intoxicated, but you're above the legal limit to drive." His LED was still spinning yellow from his analysis. Gavin huffed as the small light returned to blue. "Your condition will probably improve after breakfast...Will you shower first?" Nines moved away to turn on the shower as Gavin nodded his agreement. He smelled like a brewery. No way could he go into work sweating out booze. He'd smell like the old Hank. He shivered at the thought. Nines held his hand beneath the spray, measuring the temperature as he turned the dial. The water should be warm, just on the verge of cool, in this summer heat. "Come." Nines waved him over like a pet, hand held out like he was coaxing an animal.

"You joining me?" Gavin asked with a small smirk as he sauntered over and leaned against Nines' chest, sighing into the feeling of large hands circling his hips. He huffed as Nines pinged the elastic of his boxers. The tight material made a small swatting sound as it snapped against the small of his back. It didn't sting, but it was a definite hint. Gavin chuckled against Nines' lips as he shuffled the material over his hips and let it fall to the floor. Stepping out of his boxers, his hands were already busy helping Nines do the same. They didn't part as Nines walked them backwards into the cascading water.

Gavin moaned, running his hands up and down Nines' back as he was backed up against the tiled wall. He could feel the artificial muscles coiling and giving beneath his searching fingers. His skin was so soft and smooth. There wasn't a single imperfection to break the flow. He knew his own skin would feel much rougher. Patchy. Broken. Torn. He could feel Nines' fingers caressing and following each faded scar he reached as he felt his own path across his skin. Gavin tilted his head, reaching up to caress Nines' neck and pull him lower. He gasped as Nines nipped his lip and drew back to let him breathe. They were both drenched, hair dripping from the water now running down Nines' back and shoulders. Nines reached for the shower gel and scrunchie, filling the shower with a light soapy scent as he squeezed the bottle.

Gavin watched lazily as Nines started lathering his chest. It felt nice. His motions were firm and soothing. He was caressing his skin with the scrunchie, leaving trails of foamy bubbles behind. He linked their fingers as he raised his arm to scrub the skin. Up to his shoulder. Under his arm. Down his side. Gavin blinked slowly, feeling lazy and content as he was taken care of. Nines gave his other arm similar treatment before turning his body to lavish long strokes across his back. Gavin smirked to himself as he felt Nines' motions slow around his ass. He arched his spine playfully, pressing the rounded flesh into Nines' hand and chuckling as it earned him a small swat.

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