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That night I went back to my dads house and walked into his office, but he wasn't there. "Mom where's dad?" I asked walking into her room she looked at me with sadden eyes. "He's gonna be in the hospital tonight we think it's come back." She said. Those words hurt. My dad was dying and I couldn't stop it. "Well..maybe you could answer my question. Do you know a Bradshaw that flew with dad when he was in top gun?" I asked as a small smile appeared on her face. "Yes I do, I was great friends with his wife. They had a son two years older than you name Bradley, you guys were inseparable." She said.

That's how I knew him that's why he looked so familiar. She pulled out a shoe box and showed me a photo of us as kids, he was wearing a cowboy hat and had his arm around me. "We always thought you two would get married, but once his father died carol took Bradley and left without a word. She only stayed in contact with Maverick." She said. I held onto the photo and put it in my pocket. I hugged my mother goodbye and went home. I knew what I had to do with rooster before it was too late.

The second day of training came and they showed us the terrain and what path we'd be taking. When we all got up to get ready I set the photo down on roosters desk and walked away. He looked at it then at me in shock. Phoenix walked over and saw it "she's just tryna get into your head." She scolded.

When we all went up to fly the path at the end maverick made us all say why we died. "Roulette why is payback and fanboy dead?" Maverick asked mad at me. " I was flying fast to beat any enemy aircraft from getting us. They slowed down, couldn't keep up." I said leaning back in my chair. "You went faster then what was needed." Rooster said scolding me. "Faster than you go." I retorted. "He's the only one that made it to the target." Phoenix defended for him. "He was a minute late enemy aircraft shot him and his team down." Maverick said.

"You go to slow rooster. Can't let the past get in the way." Hangman said. "What's that supposed to mean?!" Rooster said getting angry. "I can't be the only one that didn't know that Maverick flew with his old man. And was the pilot when rooster old man bur-." Hangman started saying as Rooster shot up causing all of us to and trying to kill him. Myself payback fanboy bob and Phoenix grabbed rooster while the others grabbed hangman. Once we all got dismissed I walked back the radio room and saw rooster sitting in the dark.

I knocked on the door gently and walked in. "Hey rooster." I said softly and sat beside him. He looked over at me then looked away. "What can I do for you?" He asked coldly. "I just want you to know I didn't give you that photo to get in your head. I went home last night and talked to my parents to figure out why you were so familiar to me. My mom showed me it, and I wanted you to have it." I said rubbing his back gently. He moved away from my touch. "I knew who you were but you didn't know me."he sounded mad "I was like three when I last saw you my parents never talked about you again. I didn't know I'm sorry." I said as he shook his head. "Go home." He said standing up. I nodded and left.

The next day we all got a text from maverick to go to the beach at hard deck. I pulled up on my bike as they were setting up dog fight football. I took off my shirt to reveal my blue sports bra and Phoenix pulled up to the spot beside me. We stared each-other down before I walked away. During the game Phoenix and rooster flirted so much. When I got the chance to tackle her I took it. I got up and walked away without helping her. As we continued the many games admiral bates appeared. I made eye contact as he motioned for me. I walked from the crew and went to him as he pulled me away from maverick to talk to me. Everyone stopped and watched us knowing something was wrong.

His words came out in slow motion to me. Once it registered I took of running to my bike and got all my gear on and sped off. My dad was dying and I couldn't breathe. I ran through the hospitals hallways to his room and there laid my dad on a ventilator with his eyes closed. I broke down there in the doorway.

The next day I was allowed to miss of class, and that night my dad passed away. I held onto his hand as he did so. They canceled class for the next three days. An accident happened with Phoenix and bob and then this. The day of his funeral I stayed in the back, I didn't want to talk to anyone not my family, not rooster, and not Maverick. My dad was my person and now he's gone. As the funeral ended it started to rain. As I was getting on my bike rooster stopped me.

"The roads are slick let me take you home." He said grabbing my arm as I moved away. "Why do you care you resent me like you do mav for something I couldn't control." I said and saw Phoenix watching us. "You're girlfriend is watching you go crawl back to her." I said getting my helmet on. "She's not my girlfriend Maddison." He said. "Might as well be you two are all over each other." I replied.

That night admiral bates took me and maverick off the mission, but we both know we won't let that slide. The next day maverick and I took two F-18's and made our way to the course. I knew this could get me kicked out but I have a name to uphold and I'd be damned if they kick me off this mission.

Once Maverick and I landed admiral bates took us to the office and scolded us but the said "maverick I'm appointing you team leader, roulette, you're gonna be over watch. You'll fly with them and if anything goes south you fix it." He said then dismissed us. As we walked out rooster was there waiting for me. "We need to talk."

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