CH2- Savior or Captor?

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The lights went out and there was a loud gasp. Then the shouting came. 'About time.' She thought as she stood up.


Jungkook POV:

His wrist hurt. That was the only part of his body that he could feel at the moment and the only reason why he knows that it hurts is because it throbs every time his fist comes in contact with the tiger hybrids face. The pain is a burning ache that was slowly traveling up his arm and past his elbow. He grunted in pain as he delivered blow after blow to the hybrids face, each hit made a sickening crack. He was almost there, almost winning the fight, almost safe. At least until his next fight.

Jungkook's vision was blurry and his breathing was ragged but he was almost there. The lights went out and he could no longer see the hybrid in front of him. The doors suddenly caved and swarms of men in black protective suits, guns and batons drawn. His sensed kicked into overdrive, dropping the hybrid in front of him, he gave the arena a once over. People were running about and there was only a small amount of light coming through the now broken doors. His breath caught in his throat. He could just walk out of here, amid all the chaos and he could go and make a life for himself. His heartbeat skyrocketed in excitement. He started to the door weaving past people who are being pinned down by the men in the black suits. 

Someone ran into him causing him to stumble and fall. "Hey watch where you're going." He gritted out. "I am so sorry. are you okay?." A woman's voice called to him and he was gently pulled up. His nostrils flared as he took in her scent, she smelled like lavender. He looked at the woman that has caused him to fall. She was tall and slender, with a muscular build, long chestnut colored hair, a stern face but there was a softness there, she looked quite young and she was wearing a short black dress and some heels. "Just watch where you are going next time." He removed her hand from his arm harshly and started towards the door, the hair on his arms standing up and a shiver went up his spine. He shuddered and furrowed his eyebrows, confused about his bodies reaction to the woman. His grey ears flattened against his head, He wasn't sure as to why he was reacting this way, he felt sort of drawn to this woman, it put him on edge.

"You are the rabbit hybrid that was just fighting the tiger hybrid are you not?" He turned to look at her, expression unreadable.


Eira's POV:

'I fucked up.'  She thought as she observed the hybrid. His body language became hostile quickly. She looked around for an escape route just incase things got difficult, she could fight sure but she only fought if and when she needed too and there was no other way out. 

"And what is it to you if I am?." She gulped. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she took a deep breath to  steady herself.  She raised her hands as if to say that she was harmless. "I just want to help you. I am a part of the BHPS. I can take you away from here." The hybrids ears twitched at the mention of the bureau and his eyes narrowed.

"Why would you want to help me? You've seen what I can do so why would you think i am adoptable? or even worthy rescuing?." She slowly nodded and shrugged her shoulders.  "Because i think that everyone is worth saving and are even more worthy for a second chance." Her shoulders relaxed as she watched him process what she had just said. 

Eira offered her hand out to him. "There is no harm in trying? what have you got to lose? you could stay here and fight if you like or end up living on the streets, that is up to you....or you can come with me and i can take you somewhere warm and safe where you can relax, free from violence." 

The bunny hybrid took a moment to think things over. "I will go with you but i won't stay long... I am not somebodies house pet to be ordered around. I will go and find somewhere to stay once I am healed enough. Got that?." She nodded. Jungkook slapped her offered hand away from him. She shook out the pain from said hand and grimanced. 

"Okay follow me." She motioned him to follow her and they both set off at a jog to where the cars were waiting for them outside. They both weaved around and over people. "It is Just beyond this door, they may collar you.. It wont hurt it will just calm down your hormones so that everyone feels more comfortable and there are less risks of fights." She turned to her right to see the bunny glaring at her "You said NOTHING about a collar." She flinched as he bellowed. 

"It will only be until we get you to the facility. I promise." She half expected him to run off there and then but surprisingly he didn't. The bunny hybrid huffed "Fine." 

They both sprinted out of the doors to where the cars were waiting for them. Eira led him to a car where one of her co-workers Felix was waiting for them. She ushered the bunny hybrid over to Felix, where Felix gently placed the collar around the bunny hybrid's neck and secured it. She watched as the bunny hybrid gave her one last glare before getting into the car.


Hi hello!

I hope you all enjoy the second chapter. I apologise it took a while to post but i will try and figure out an upload schedule in the next upcoming weeks.

Please vote and comment if you liked this chapter

until next time,



My Little Bun Bun {Hybrid J.JK x OC} UNDER CONSTRUCTIONWhere stories live. Discover now