1 - where it all starts

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A/N ;; all the russian i use in this fic is most likely really bad, as i used google translate (idk how to speak russian) so my apologies if it's bad!


Throughout my life, I've learnt a lot of things, but something i didn't know, was that there is a whole school for witches and wizards.

my apologies, i haven't introduced myself! my name is Yasmin Belova. sister to Yelena Belova and Natasha Romanoff, life long trained assassin, survivor of the red room, all at the age of 15. but, no one knows this yet.

you see, ive never liked the attention like my sisters. so ive kept all my accomplishments and life to myself, and I'd like to keep it that way.

but it gets difficult. I've read about this Hogwarts place, and it seems that every witch and wizard knows everything about one another.


I've just got on the train called 'The Hogwarts Express'. i really hope this goes well..

sitting down in an empty compartment, im worried. why am i worried? ive survived so many things, its just a school.. stop worrying, yasmin, its all going to be okay.

i should probably change into these robes, right? ugh, i have to wear this?

i walk through the train, where are the toilets? theres too many people. i really don't want to draw attention..

o chert

someone is coming towards me, maybe? they might just walk past me. i hope they just walk past me.

"hey, new girl, right? im Cormac Mclaggen. and you are?" for fuck sakes.

"uh- I'm Yasmin.. do you know where the toilets may be?" damn, that came out really russian..

"where are you from, Yasmin? you have an accent." he smirks.

"Russia. can i walk past please?" i say, trying my hardest to finish this conversation.

"oh, come on.. i just want to talk." he says, shortening the distance between us. i swear to god. if he doesnt move...

"cormac, just leave the poor girl alone" a third voice joins in. a girls voice.

"ugh, shut up Pansy, your always ruining the fun.." cormac says, sounding annoyed

Pansy gets closer. shoo-ing cormac away. thank you lord.

"sorry about him.. hes always like that towards pretty girls. I'm Pansy Parkinson, are you new?"

"yeah, im new.. Yasmin Belova." i introduce myself to the nice english girl.

She smiles. "i like your accent, do you mind me asking where your from?"

"russia, but by any chance do you know where i could change into my robes?"

"yes, if you walk straight down the next two carriges, you'll see the toilets." thank god i met someone nice..

"thank you so much, Pansy" i say, smiling and nodding at her as i begin to walk to the toilets using her directions.


ugh, these robes are so uncomfortable.. do i have to wear these the whole time?

walking back through the train, trying to find my compartment again, i run into the parkinson girl again.

"hey, care to sit with us? we figured you wanted some company" she says with a welcoming smile, along with her friends. they are all guys.. not looking as inviting as her.

"uh-" make friends, yasmin "sure, why not?" i sit down in the empty seat, next to pansy and across from a boy with a warm smile on his face, unlike the other boys.

"hi! im Lorenzo Berkshire. pansy's told us your name is.. Yasmin?" he says

"yeah, thats me" i force a smile "nice to meet you Lorenzo."

"does she have to sit with us?" another boy says, a bit too loudly then he seemed to want.

"yes. we are welcoming her! she's nice, okay?" pansy says.

i appreciate it, but it's not necessary..

i look at him. he has these beautiful brown curls, a slight blush on his cheeks and very pretty lips, he's leaning tiredly on his palm, against a window. damn. hes got an attitude.

"so, what brings you to Hogwarts, Yasmin?" the parkinson girl says, with that familiar smile.

"well, when i moved to England a month ago, i was informed that my father was a wizard, and i got an invitation to Hogwarts, so i figured.. why not give it a try?" in reality, im hiding from Dreykov..

"so, your a halfblood?" a different boy says.

ive recently learned what muggle, halfblood and pureblood means.

"uh- yeah. i am. is that okay?" i say. i know that there are blood supremacists here.

"well.. we are all Purebloods. apart from him. Mattheo Riddle. so, yeah thats okay." Lorenzo says. Mattheo glares at him. he doesn't seem too happy that im here..

A/N ;; so that's the first chapter! let me know what you guys think of this so far, updating asap <3

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