4 - the party

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as we walk through the common room, im drowned the scent of warm, and strong alcohol.

this might be good after all.


ugh, this party seems boring.

i sit on one of the sofas in the common room, looking around the room..

some people are already drunk?

i spot her. she looks nice in that dress..
shut up, mattheo.

i don't like her, but she sure knows how to dance. swaying her hips to whatever Spanish song is playing, im not too sure. but she seems to like it.

why do i hate her so much?

she just comes into Hogwarts acting like she runs this place. like, come on. im worth more than her life. (i wouldn't be too sure of that matty boy)

i should probably stop staring. whatever, i can blame it on the alcohol.

she just put her drink down? thats fucking stupid.

oh. shes going to the bathroom i think?

i walk over and grab her drink, making sure no idiot tries to spike it.

i dont like her, but im not a dick.

i feel a gentle tap on my shoulder. i turn around and meet her gaze

"what are you doing with my drink?" she says, annoyed. is she always annoyed?

"someone could of easily spiked it. so i made sure no one could." i say, trying to be nice but it doesn't really work.

"oh. well thanks.." she says. is she being nice?

"..can i have it back now?" she says.

i hand it back and walk off.

god, why did she sound so annoyed? i did something nice for her, the fuck?


that was weird. i thought he hated me?

funny how he thinks i cant sense the drugs when im spiked.. he underestimates my abilities.

i walk back over to pansy, shes sat down in a circle.

spin the bottle? really?

"yasmin! come, play with us!" she says, pulling my down into the circle next to her

ugh. do i have to kiss people?

"were playing spin the bottle, go on, spin" another girl chimes in.

what's the worst that could happen?

i spin the bottle..

it land's on a boy, he has blonde, curly hair, brown pretty eyes, hes muscular, definitely tall. who could say no to that?

we kiss, but not for long.


there she goes, kissing a random guy she doesn't even know the name of. i never thought she was that type of person, but whatever.

why do i care? its not like i have feelings for Yasmin Belova..

Belova? where have i heard that before?

i snap back into reality once the song changes again. im just watching people play spin the bottle, why im I doing this?

maybe i should join in..

no harm done, it's a party. i should have fun.

i sit in the circle, all my friends are there. and also random people, amd yasmin.

"go on mate, spin the bottle" Theo nudges me.


i spin the bottle, its spinning really fast.

it lands on..

belova. fuck sake.

she glares at me.

i see pansy and enzo smiling at eachother. they want to see me kiss her, don't they?

i sigh, getting closer to her sending back the glare she gave me.

we kiss, super quickly.

pansy giggles. i swear to salazar.

after a few more rounds of random, irrelevant people kissing, the music stops.



Snape caught us..

were all rushing back to our dorms, but i can't help giggling at how tipsy i am.

as soon as i walk into my dorm and close the door, i feel someone hug me.


i hug back tightly.

"ive missed you so much, how are you?" she questions.

"ive been great. there is this one boy though. he pisses me off.."

"oh yeah? want me to kill him?" she teases.

i chuckle. "what? no!" I say, grinning.

"how's natasha?" i question, knowing shes an avenger scares me.

"thats actually why i came here.." she confessed.


"what happened." i whisper.

"..she's.. gone." yelena trembles.

no. she can't be. shes a black widow.. she didnt die. i refuse to believe it.

"your joking." i claimed. please, be joking. i didn't even get to say goodbye.

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