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A sigh escaped Darelle. For the past two weeks, her life had been perfect. She saw Rumpel. Talked with him. They walked along the garden or spent time alone in his fancy little cottage. Life was perfect.

She couldn't wait any longer and so did her, they decided to have in the coming season and it felt magical to her.

"My lady." Her lady-in-waiting said.

Darelle giggled at the sight of her ruby cheeks in the full length mirror, a tell-tale of her deeds with her fiance last night in his cottage. Her silly self also forgot the fact that her best of best friends was now back with her.

"Yes, Marisa." she buried her face in her hands as she remained standing on the box that would allow whatever outfit she would wear seen in the best way.

"Your wedding tailor will be here, shortly. Stop acting like buffalo for Pete's sake and don't embarrass me in front of Madame Quinn." Marisa warned before taking a serious face, but in-between the incoming footsteps and the esteemed guest. The noblewoman smiled at her friend's sheer happiness.

The princess turned to the door to a lovely old woman with a completely white hair with a style she would loved to carry as a gracious old queen, who her children and grandchildren were waiting to abdicate the throne or pass away.

"Hello, there." Darelle said, almost forgetting her manners and mistaking herself. "I'm princess Darelle. You can call me Dar or Dare. Same thing, I always say."

The old woman who had a smile that fooled her to believe she was young and a smile that had her swooned. "And I'm Snow Quinn, your highness. People call me Madame Quinn or Snow. But however you please."

The princess nodded her head, suddenly shy. "My husband . . . well to be. Invited someone close of great skills to take the duty of making my dress, but she refused and recommended you. Had to keep my special day with a special touch from you, she said and call it her gift to us."

"I believe she's right because I'm me. And see not many people are happy about your recent engagement but give it time. Time always works its magic in time." The old woman said, and walked her back to the box that had steps.

"It changed me." Darelle added, and laughed while she watched the seamstress drop her light brown basket that had twin covers. She paid no attention to the various threads and needles she saw sticking out as the women faced her with a pad and pen.

"What's that for?" Marisa asked eagerly, out of curiosity.

Darelle waved her to come close and forget her responsibility. "You're my friend today, Marisa. I lived without you for three weeks and did just fine. I'm sure madame Snow appreciate an admirer of her art."

Snow turned to Marisa and waved her notepad. "This is where the real magic is done. Will you be a dearest and pass this old lady her spectacle from the basket, will you? This eyes are not as good as they used to."

Marisa hurried to the woman's request and shook her head. "I wouldn't say so. Most of my clothing are from your store and I must say has proved their worth thousands of times."

The madame's eyes lit as she slipped on her small round glasses and carefully eyed Marisa's green silk dress. "Ah, this. I made it under the request of Mrs. Catherine."

The smile of the princess's friend widened. "That's my mother. I remember coming to your shop as a young girl in her early teens."

"Small world, and it's a pleasure of meeting you, again. Small world, isn't it?" The madame said, as she carried a measuring tape to record her finding. "I had received your measurements as it's your family custom. But I like to do it myself and perfect every small detail." she spoke to Darelle.

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