Forever a set a precious moon is lost

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I woke up to feitans hands around me. I went to get out as quietly as I could to make sure I come wake him but he pulled me down "where do u think you're going...?" He asked " to go find uvo" you said "ok but let me come with you ok?" He asked I nod and we started to head out.  And we went looking for damage land from a fight " where are we going" Feitan asked " well think about it if I was uvo  I would want to go somewhere where I wouldn't get bothered fighting and to not attract attention, so he  would  go to a open area and the closest place to where they met is this rocky looking place" I said "now all that's left is to look for recently dug up ground for a body and depending on who we see...." You contuied not bothered to finish it. After that we just walked in sorrow silence until I saw unsettled dirt "there!" I ran over there and began digging it up 

*time skip* 

"Shit...shit......SHIT.....SHIT"  I yelled. "We need to tell the others" Feitan said "ok just let me try something real quick" I say before I bent down and picked up uvos  hand and close my eyes my mind starts to fade to uvos  fighting a blond hair man with red eyes and chains, as my mind changes from scene to scene I slowly to start to put together who the chain user is and his abilities" I looked to Feitan and said "the chain user or more so kurpika  curta is fucked". Feitan looked at me confused " look long story short I'm a medium of sorts if a touch the body of the dead I can see how they died" I said Feitan was about to ask something "no its not nen related I've been doing since birth and two I didn't tell you or the troup because when ever I've told someone before they ditched me cuz I was 'crazy'" you said. I look over to Feitan and he's laughing  "HAHAHAHAH y/n your in the fucking phantom group and your worried about being seen as crazy?!!" He said "if uvo  was he would knock you into next week" he continued "yeah yeah whatever lets just get back  

*time skip* 

As we entered the hide out preparing to tell the bad news "hey guys uvo  is no longer with us but he didn't leave us with nothing I now know who the chain user is. His name is kurpika kurta and he has red eyes and blonde hair" I said the air was Thick with a sorrow yet rage. Nobunaga  shed a tear while other cried or cussed under the breath. "Hm.... Kurta, red eyes.......OH we have  us a survivor of kurta clan huh." The boss said. "Here's the deal, where leaving York new tomorrow, or that's what will make the  chain user thinks then all of us will ambush him." He said "and from what I can tell he can only use one chain on one person" I added "ok  I'll go track down where he is" shalnark said while leavinh . we all waited until he got back "he's at hotel trivago  in room 768" the boss looked at us and says "lets roll out and raise hell".

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2023 ⏰

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