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"Oh Tommy!Screw her,you have me."
The girl behind tom said,her name is Sarah btw.
"I guess your right.But i love her-"
Sarah cut off Tom by kissing him and giving him hickeys.Tom groans.

Y/ns pov

"Micheal..Lets go." Y/n says with tears in her eyes and covering her cheek with her hand.
"OMG!Y/n what happened my love?"
"Micheal.Its nothing lets just go, secound class is about to start.
"Y/n/n im not letting you anywhere like this, please tell me what happend."
"MICHEAL,I SAID NOTHING PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!" Y/n yelled and stormed off leaving him worried,and sad a little.He never heard her yell at someone.
Y/n had P.E right now,it was with Tom,Bill & Micheal.
"Fuck this shit oh my god!" Y/n yelled as she was grabbing her P.E stuff from her locker.
"Hey cutie,my place after school?" Some random boy with long blonde hair and grayish blue eyes.
"Oh please not you too! Leave me the fuck alone! Please!"
"Oh you'll be begging me like that tonight.
"Bro,leave her alone as she said.And no,she isn't coming with you." Some boy infront of you said, yeah, it was Gustav.
"Thanks Gustav."
"Any time.Also,what happend between you and Tom and Mike?Tom is with us with some girl named Sarah?And ive seen Mike almost crying in the boys bathroom.Is there anything that happend.?"
"Oh, um well me and Tom got into an argument and he went too far and um well,uh.." She revealed her cheek as she said the last 5 words.Gustav gasped as Y/n started going.
"And with Micheal, we got into an argument too.I mean not really an argument but i just yelled at him.And that's how our story ends." She slammed her locker and went to change. "What.." Gustav thought to him self..Y/n changed and made a friend in the changing room.
"Hi!Your the new girl right?Im Cecilia.And i just wanted to ask if you wanted to be friends and what happend to your cheek.Sorry if i made you uncomfortable!"
"Oh no not at all!Yes im Y/n, nice to meet you Cecilia!And um me and someone got into a fight and he slapped me but it's fine.."
*Bell rings*
"Ceci lets go!"
They had to run 3 miles,GOD DAMN!Behind Y/n was Cecilia,and behind Cecilia were Tom and Bill.And Infront of Y/n was Micheal.Woww great.But she really didnt care,she loves Cecilia and is a great friend.We ran 3 miles and everyone was tired.
"Girl you really know how to run!I almost passed out!" Cecilia laughed.She layed down on the ground as i bent over to give her a hand to get up.You felt like someone was staring at you,you turned around and obviously saw Tom and Micheal staring at your ass.The class was done now it was lunchtime!

Guys's pov

"Hey Y/n! Come sit with us!" Bill yelled and waved his hand to Y/n.She just ignored him and went to another table.All of us were confused.
"Okay so Tom." Gustav said knowing what happend.
"Uhh yes?"
"I know what happened.I know what you did to Y/n."
"Oh.....Uh,um." Tom answered as everyone was looking at him(From the table).
Toms eyes directly moved to Sarah, she came to their table and sat on Tom's lap.
"Hi Tommy baby."
Everyone looked at Tom.

Y/ns pov

Bill waved at me to sit at his table,i just ignored him.I went over to Cecilias table.
"Hi Cecii!!"
"HEYY BABE!I want you to meet my friends!" Her friends were really nice,
Jay,Melissa,Amelia,Aiden and Chris.
"Hi guys im Y/n!"
"Your such a cutie!" Said Melissa.
"I love your clothes!" Said Amelia.
"You look hot!" Chris said, you weren't uncomfortable cause he was nice.And the other two boys said Hi.
"Cecii there are no seats left,where am i supposed to eat??On the floor?" You said jokingly.
"You can sit in someones lap!" Cecilia smirked.
"Mine is open." Chris flirted with you.You sat down beacuse you didn't have any options left.
"Yall won't believe what happend today!"
"Oh sorry Y/n but what is that on your cheek?I just noticed!Sorry to ask."
Amelia asked nicely.
"Oh i was just about to tell yall that, listen!
This one guy were like total enemies when we were little right? And he literally hates me,today we was talking and he fucking slapped me!Like hard as fuck!And then i was so pissed and i just flipped him off.And my guy bestfriend was there waiting for me to finish talking to the guy!And when i came back i was in tearrrrsss!But i didn't wanna talk to him so i just got mad at him too!And now i have this fucking scar or how do you say it on my cheek!I hate him so much!"

Guys's pov

"Tom, you should explain.Or should i." Gustav said
"Tommy baby what are they talking about?"
Sarah said while pouting.
Tom got up fast as he saw Y/n sit on someons lap.
"WHAT?" Tom yelled.
"What the fuck Tom what did you see a roach or something?" Bill turned around and saw the same Tom did,while they were looking they totally forgot about Sarah.She fell to the floor because when Tom stood up she fell.
"Tommy baby,h-help me please"
"Oh im sorry love..I didnt mean to.."
"Its okay!" She kissed Tom on the lips.
"Tom,e x p l a i n." Georg spoke.
"Okay so its not my fault-"
"Oh yeahh,its always Y/N/NS fault right??"
Gustav yelled as Y/n turned around to see them talking about her.She made eye contact with Sarah and Tom saw that.She just turned around back to her friends and didn't care at all.

Y/ns pov

"And litreally that's it!"
"Noo way!!" Cecilia said with a shocked face.
"Hey Y/n, can we talk..." Micheal asked Y/n standing Infront of her.
"Is this the guy that hit you??" Chris asked me with anger in his eye.
"Oh no he isn't.Yes Micheal we can talk.Ill be right back guys." Y/n stood up from his lap and saw Tom and Sarah kissing,she pulled Micheal by his hand and kissed him Infront of everyone (everyone from the table). Tom saw that and was in complete shock!While i stopped kissing Micheal,i heard Toms friends calling him jealous or saying jealousy .
"Im sorry Micheal for yelling at you.I was not in the mood.Tom hit me and i hit him back i really hate him!I fucking do!"
Y/n broke into Micheals arms while he was holding her.
"Oh baby.. Its okay i forgive you."

Thank yall so much for 50 views.I couldn't say how grateful i am.This is the new eraa of Tom and Y/n....Will theree be some dirty scenes?Yess but not right noww♥️ love yall

When We Were Younger - TOM KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now