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"Still single, beautiful?"

Louisa snorts. "I could never make a relationship work, Harry. 'M too demanding, I guess."

She can hear his pout over the phone. "Hey! You're not demanding if you haven't met someone who shares the same opinions and interests as you."

"Don't think that helps finding a relationship though." She munches on the bowl of nachos sitting in her lap.

He sighs. "Is it okay if I come over in an hour?"


And that had been it.

He showed up in his officer uniform and Louisa had wanted to tear it off him- or rather make him fuck her in it. He had brought chinese this time and another red rose.
Why was she not meant to fall for him, again?

"You sure know how to get into a lady's bed."

He frowns. "No, you deserve to be treated like this all the time. Goddess. Remember?"

She picks his cap from his head, putting it on herself. "Devil. Remember?"

He steps forward so he is toe-to-toe with her, putting his lips on her ear. "You're always a devil in between the sheets but there's nothing I can do about it."

She loops her arms around his neck. "You can do what I tell you to."

"Aye aye, Captain!"


"Another poetry book? I thought you were giving me the nineteenth century fiction?"

"Yeah well, it's what I could write." Louisa shrugs.

Her publisher sighs. "Look, Louisa, you're an amazing writer and this book, that's great too and I'm sure your fans will love it. But you need to understand there's more scope in young adult than in poetry. And once in a while, that's fine- maybe even something different for your audience, but two poetry books in a row?" He shakes his head.

She rolls her eyes. "Just say you want another bestseller and not something that I want to produce."

"I'm not rejecting this. All I'm saying is, we can publish this after some time. Just give me something to expand your audience and then we can put this out." With that, he stands up and leaves, effectively putting an end to the conversation.

She rests her head back on the edge of the sofa, blinking up at the ceiling of her living room.
It's not her fault she can't think about anything else other than him!

It's been three BLOODY months since he last stayed over. Left the next day as usual. And fucking finally Louisa had started to be somewhat okay with their pattern- he'd call her once in like two months and they'd spend a long night together between the sheets more often than not.
Only, she hated that he had to go every morning but she couldn't stop him, could she?

But it's been THREE months now and she has absolutely no news of him! That fucker couldn't even give her a single call!
She even texted him! It was left undelivered so she eventually deleted the message. Perhaps he was still on ship.

Whatever it was, it sucked. Because all she can spin is yards of dreamy romance and scenarios that will never actually happen. But she has fallen in love. She has fallen in love with the image of him that she has created in her books.

The Property Girl [L.S.]Where stories live. Discover now