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The last chapter is here and... I wish you will love it as much as I do.

Also, emotional filth.


"I love you, Lou!" Doris's hands are covered in chocolate but that's alright. Louisa will gladly have chocolate smeared all over her if it means she gets to hold her babies.

She has been a little down since the train incident. Harry hasn't called or even texted and don't even think she would text first. She has better plans for her month and that includes all her babies and her nan and pop. And even though Dan was rude to her when she picked the twins up, she's the one surrounded by her family, so it's fine. She's fine.

Happy even!

"I love you too, my baby monster!" She nuzzles their noses together and she hears her little laughs and everything is fine.

"It's great, you know. Thank you." Fizzy gulps, taking a seat beside her. "If it wasn't for you, these two little monsters wouldn't be here. And it wouldn't have made us realise how much we miss them." Her eyes are a little watery, and Doris is watching her too now.

"Hey, we're all here. Together." Louisa wraps an arms around her. "And that's all that matters, okay? It's okay that you're upset about certain things but everything will be fine, yeah? Time heals some things and we learn how to make peace with the others."

Fizzy nods and nuzzles into her shoulder.

"Why is Fizz sad?" Doris's lower lip starts wobbling and Louisa needs to stop it before the dam breaks!

"It's okay, baby. You like to cuddle me sometimes, yeah?" Doris nods. "Today, Fizzy needs a cuddle." She thinks for sometimes and then nods.
"You want to cuddle her for a while? Give her lots of huggies and kissies and make her feel better?" It is followed by a very enthusiastic nod.

"Okay. There you go." Louisa hands over her littlest sister to her second oldest one and watches them hug.

Yes, she's going to be fine. She doesn't need a man to make her happy, only happier. And if he can't do that, screw him!


"So you two are fucking?"


"What? I just asked a simple 'yes or no' question!" She smacks his head for shouting at her. He's little and he should remember it.

"Stop hitting me!" He smacks her hand off. "I come to meet you once a year and you treat me like this! And what happens in my sex life, is my business!"

"You are sad and that means probably so is she. If she's not, either she won't be my favourite author anymore or you'll get a good earful from both mum and I because we didn't raise you like this, Harry Edward!" She smacks his head again. "So start talking and I need all my answers because I will not take one more minute of your sulking!"

He rubs his head, pouting. Her hand is strong! So... he does get to start talking.
"O-kay, so I might be at fault here a little..."

Gemma's expression doesn't make him want to continue but it's a dead end, he knows.

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