Chapter 6

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"You two over there, is there something I can help you with?"

Scaramouche(?) seemed to have spotted them following him and the way he talked now had changed so much that Lumine started to actually wonder if he was really the same person she knew before. But this really wasn't the time to be saying that, she had to convince him that he could, in fact, help her by coming with her.

"I don't remember you but you've been following me all the way from the city. Do you know me?"

"It's complicated but yes, I do know you."

"Sorry, but I can't just take your word for it."

That wouldn't be an issue for her, she knew just the thing to make him believe she knew him well enough.

"...You're a puppet," the puppet's eyes widened at her words.

"That's not something I go around telling a lot of people," he paused for a second to recollect himself from the shock of a stranger knowing such a specific piece of information about him. "You must actually know me pretty well, but I still don't understand how. Who are you and why do I not remember you?"

"There's somewhere I need you to come with me, I'll explain everything there." She must take him to Nahida first and then decide what should be done about him.

"Alright but I need to stop by my boss's store first." He sure seemed like a responsible person for someone who wasn't even being paid.

"I understand," she paused for a while before addressing him again, "Oh, and one more thing. What name do you go by now? You seemed to have a thing for changing your name every century you lived for, after all." Paimon let out a small gasp at the mention of centuries, she only knew what little history of the Balladeer Lumine told her about after all.

"I...did? Well, I don't know what you're talking about but I don't have...a name. I'm just a wanderer, I guess," said the man who seemed to grow increasingly confused the more he talked to her.

"Oh..." She felt a little bad for asking that question now. "Then the Wanderer it is, I guess?"

"Fine by me. And how should I address you? You claim to know me but I have no recollection of having met you before."

"Just call me the Traveler for now," she assumed proper introductions could wait until they reached the Sanctuary of Surasthana.

"Are you trying to be anonymous just because I said I'm a wanderer? I'm telling you the truth, I actually don't have a name to give you," the Wanderer seemed to have gotten a bit hurt by her tone.

"No, you misunderstand! She's actually known as the Traveler all around Teyvat!" her floating companion chimed in to attest for her words.

"Alright, let's continue this conversation later. I need to go back soon before my boss is troubled by my absence." And with that, the trio started making their way back to the Grand Bazaar.

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