Chapter 3 - Day off

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A/N: There's a slight lemon in this chapter, like, the beginning of one. Be aware! It is towards the end of the chapter if you want to avoid it, the plot is mainly in the beginning so for those of you who don't want to read anything too sexual, you won't miss much. I hope you enjoy!


After a very steamy night, and an intense dream that left her awkward in the morning and throughout the day, she sat with her parents in the evening. The blush on her face was insistent, not leaving. Of course, she could only stare at her tea for so long before her family would notice something wasn't right.

"Y/N, are you okay? You're quiet today..." Her father spoke from his usual spot in the morning, he watched her carefully. His daughter was his life, she had taken over his heart and when something was wrong, he always knew. However, identifying the problem was more of her mother's thing. And as if it was on queue, she moved from her cooking to examine the young girl's face.

"Why, nothing is wrong at all!" She laughed out, stepping back to get a better look. "I know what you've been up to dear!"

"What?" Dread seeped into y/n's heart as her e/c gaze finally tore itself away from her drink. Did she know? How much?

"What is it? Do I need to get a doctor?" Her father rushed to his feet, ready to sprint to the nearest medic.

"No, no! Quite the opposite in fact!" Her mother's mood brightened significantly. "Our little y/n has met someone very special!"

Y/N wanted to protest, but when she knew what they could have figured out, she kept quiet. Her blush suddenly covered her whole face. Sure, she didn't do anything with him, but even the way they interacted was very...not acceptable.

"Well, that's splendid!" Her father laughed. "I'd like to meet this person, you must invite him for dinner tonight!"

"I-" She was interrupted by letters being delivered. As her mother gratefully accepted and looked through them, she took this as her moment to run. "I have to go now! I'll see you tonight! Love you!"

"Bring back your friend!" Her father laughed, taking great joy in teasing her. In all honesty however, he was genuinely happy. That was until...

"F/N..." His wife tore his attention away, as her tone dropped to a serious one, all sense of happiness fading away. "This is..." When he saw the letter, his blood ran cold...


A peaceful day, that was what y/n had planned for herself. She walked through the streets of her hometown, searching for a place that she saw fit to spend some time. That was until she heard crying in an ally nearby, concern covered her as she wondered who it could be. Going towards the sound, her eyes widened when she saw bright blonde hair, very similar to the male she was talking to last night. He was small, frail...She knew exactly who he was. Not wasting time, she went to help him.

"Hello? Can I help you?" She softened her voice, attempting to appear gentle. The small boy's wide eyes met hers, watery and slightly red. He recognised her instantly, recalling the support she offered, without thinking he leapt forward. She was lucky to catch him as he caught her by surprise, but when she realised he was full on sobbing. She gave him one of her best hugs, patting his back as she did so. She didn't need to say anything, she just let him cry until he felt like talking. It was unusual for someone to be so distraught, she couldn't help but wonder why.

"Thank you." He spoke once he had calmed down. She gave him a sweet smile as he wiped his eyes, her shirt was wet but she didn't mind. This was one of her customers, but she knew how much he was suffering with the loss of his brother...Wait...His brother? Didn't she just see him yesterday? "Your frowning, is it because I got your clothes wet? I'm so sorry!"

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