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Upon returning to the Péterfy, Csónakos brought Nemecsek's favorite plaid that was decorated with embroidered ferns, and an amount of chips sufficient to feed at least ten people, in addition to the blond's laptop and dictionary.

"Are you planning for a sleepover party?" Nemecsek laughed when he caught sight of the items.

"Yeah, something like that. Unfortunately, I couldn't get any nail polish, but we could braid each other's hair," Csónakos said with a playful smile.

Nemecsek laughed even more at this.

For the rest of the day, the two friends sat on Nemecsek's bed and talked and watched quite a big number of Rick and Morty episodes. When Nemecsek finally closed the lid of the laptop, it was well into the night already.

"Who the heck would want to get up and go home now?" Csónakos yawned, leaning against Nemecsek's shoulder.

"Nothing prevents you from staying," the blond shrugged with a smile.

Csónakos traced the stem of an embroidered fern with his finger thoughtfully.

"Wasn't it uncomfortable for you when we slept like that yesterday? And anyway, what if I knock the fucking stand over again and cause another bloodbath?" he asked with a shudder.

"I'll lie on the outside. So, move so that I can climb over you, because I'm about to fall asleep on top of you, and then you'll definitely not be going anywhere."

"Don't pull any stunts here, mate! The doctor said to stay on your butt."

"Okay, but would you move your ass then?"

Finally, after a bit of scrambling around, both Csónakos and Nemecsek found the ideal position, and managed to fall asleep in an embrace once again.

The next day, the pair woke up to the beeping of Nemecsek's phone. Nemecsek, groping around with half-closed eyes, picked up the device from the bedside table, and Csónakos mumbled something inarticulate that remotely sounded like "Good morning" into the pillow. While the blond's eyes gradually opened wider, he opened the Paul Street boys' group chat, while Csónakos was peering down at the phone over his shoulder, still in a semi-comatose state.

"Oh look, a hamster!" he said as the app was opened and the image that Kolnay had sent appeared.

"Come on! You could at least try to be consistent!" Nemecsek sighed, "If you would call every rodent a degu, it would work, but what you're doing is not logical at all. Plus, this time it really is a degu, so why not stick to that? You would be right when talking about one of them at least."

"New family member. His name's Latex :)," the description of the image appeared on the screen.

"Look, mate, I don't care what kind of ugly little fucker Kolnay buys."

"But Csónakos, do you hear yourself? Why can't Kolnay have a degu if it makes him happy? And it's really adorable anyway!"

"Of course, of course, Kolnay does what he wants, I don't give a fuck, but I don't understand why he needs to have two horrid rats... "

"Degu! A degu and a chinchilla!"

"...and why he gives them such stupid fucking names. Seriously, Latex? Like the material that's used to make condoms?"

"Given that the chinchilla is called Java, I think Kolnay means the typesetting program, so the degu's name is 'Lay-Tech', not 'Late-ex'."


"Anyway, I don't understand why he didn't name the chinchilla C, because then he could have called the degu C++."

"The fuck are you on about right now, mate? I thought you were a translator, not a nerd."

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