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The sound of an awful clatter was heard from the corridor, followed by a man's voice that was much louder than it should have been.

"Geréb, would you fucking watch where you're going?!"

"Right, and you don't need to scream your head off, dammit!" was the immediate answer, which was not uttered at any lower volume than the previous statement.

"Such hooligans in this hospital," Nemecsek's roommate said sleepily, while listening in on the exchange of views that was taking place beyond the walls.

Ernő, who had guessed that the "hooligans" were coming to visit him upon hearing the clatter, and then known it with certainty as the first sentence had been uttered, merely nodded defiantly and with his shoulders hunched up, hoping that the older man would go to sleep soon, as was his habit.

"I'm not screaming my head off, but Geréb kicked the cleaning lady's cart over like some hooligan," someone then said out in the corridor.

"Just as I was saying, they are saying that they are hooligans themselves," Nemecsek's roommate offered, seeming to be quite thrilled about this development.

"It was an accident," Geréb's now much quieter voice was heard, but that didn't help a lot, since even the quietest whisper could be heard through the paper-thin walls of the ward.

"What sort of cleaning lady? Since when are you so heteronormative? The cleaner could just as well be a man or someone who is non-binary."

"Shut up and help me fix this instead. I'll give the cleaning person a box of merci chocolate so that they'll forgive me."

Then, another clatter could be heard, hopefully indicating that the guests had managed to bring the cleaning cart back to its initial state.

"Right, that's settled then. So where are we heading?"

"Towards neurology."

"We already are in neurology, dumbass. I meant which ward?"

"Oh, that I don't know. It was Barabás who spoke to Csónakos."



"My God, where have you been mentally all this time? Anyway, which ward are we going to?"

"How am I supposed to know?"

"Because you talked to Csónakos?"


"Damn, I just can't with you guys! Excuse me, we are looking for Ernő Nemecsek. Could you tell us which ward he is in?" Leszik asked, presumably directing the question at a nurse passing by in the corridor.

"Of course, just a moment please," a woman's voice answered, followed by the rustle of paper, "Let's see... How did you say his name was spelled?" she then asked, while presumably looking through the list of patients.

"Eeeeerm... " said Weisz, who probably didn't have a clue as to how to answer the question, considering that Nemecsek was not a very complicated name, "With capital letters?" he finally decided.

"Stupid!" Geréb snubbed him, "Ne-me-csek, just like it sounds" he then helped the nurse out.

Meanwhile, the Ne-me-csek in question was already wiping away tears of laughter and decided that he couldn't take it anymore, so he heaved himself out of bed and staggered out into the corridor.

"I'm here, guys," he said as he came out of the room, whereupon Weisz, Leszik, Geréb and Barabás, who were gathered around the nurse, happily started towards him.

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