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"Well, spill the tea," Csele said while slumping down on the bed after the initial shock caused by the sight of Nemecsek had settled and he had asked a few "How are you feeling?"-kind of questions.

"Csele, this is the Péterfy, not some tabloid-editor's office. What gossip are you expecting to hear?"

"Come on, Nemi! I saw what I saw. I'm not blind, mind you. Csónakos looked exactly like he had slept here, right next to you. He even had pillow creases on his face. And we both know what that means."

"No, I don't know what you think that means, so please enlighten me. I would also like to add that this isn't a private ward, so even if we wanted to, we wouldn't have been able to do anything... unholy."

"Ahh, stop it, Nemi! I always tell you what's up with Boka."

"Don't give me that. It's obvious that Boka is head over heels about you. I don't even understand what there is to brood over."

"You're just saying that!"

"All right, could you tell me how many times you spoke on the phone while he was in Ireland then?"

"Uhm... well, let's see, we talked about twice a day, plus, he called me before he got on the plane, so that makes... I don't even know how many times exactly."

Nemecsek raised his eyebrows meaningly.

"While the rest of us mere mortals were told that he wants to focus on the convention, so we should only contact him if someone is dying."

"Well, as it is... " Csele began, but he quickly caught himself.

"Yeah, go on, say it," Nemecsek smiled defiantly.

"So, you kind of met this condition, and you didn't exactly contact him."

"It's merely that I inform him about the situation somewhat late," Ernő defended his case.

"Oh, I see! You didn't have time to tell anyone because you were busy being with Csónakos," Csele said with a mischievous grin.

"You know, sometimes I really don't like you."

"The feeling is mutual. And now is one of those times, because you won't tell me what. Happened," Csele replied, emphasizing the last two words by clapping his hands.

"Okay, okay!" Nemecsek huffed, whereafter he seemed to prepare for a monologue, but in the end, he just hung his head tiredly and ran his fingers through his hair, "Oh, I don't know, I really don't!" he groaned, "Until now, the thought of how good-looking, funny and lovely Csónakos is only crossed my mind once in a while, but now there's more than that. Or I don't know. But, you know, what happened was that he was at my place, and then I got sick, and I sent him away, but he insisted on staying and helping me, and so he did. Somehow, it had never happened before that he was the only one staying with me when I took a turn for the worse. Therefore, I had no idea how he would handle it and how awkward it would be for me, but he managed everything perfectly. He was calm, reassuring, and even though he was probably shitting bricks too, I felt so safe being with him. Then he had to bring me here and cool his heels in the corridor for about twelve hours until I was over the worst of it. He stayed here and slept with me, first by accident, and now half on purpose, and it felt so good that he was here. We talked, laughed, and everything, but at times, he was more serious than he has ever been before, and... Oh, shit, I think I love him!" Nemecsek gabbled, then buried his face in the plaid decorated with embroidered ferns.

"Wow," Csele responded with wide eyes, patting Nemecsek's back, "You have never talked so much about him in one breath before"

"And I'm knee deep in shit, because now I don't know what to say or do to set you two up. I'm neither Eros, nor Cupid," he added to himself.

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