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Everyone was at the castle, staring in pure joy . It was magnificent, even with the moss and older leaves covering part of the castle. It only added to its small but significant charm. Anything that seemed old and almost ancient held a special place in everyone's hearts.

They had gone through quizzes, fights, and foes alike. Even when one of them was fake. You were still under Luigi, passed out.

One of the toads had yelled particularly louder than before, waking you up. You had gotten your strength back from that little "nap" and was carrying Luigi to the castle.

He wasn't heavy, but he wasn't the lightest. You carried him, him snoring as he was slung across your shoulder. It wasn't a difficult task, considering you were quite strong.

You saw everyone at the castle, staring at its glory. Suddenly, Luigi woke up and jumped out of your arm and ran forward in a panic, tripping and hitting the ground again.

You help him up, albeit very slowly and grumbled softly. "Hey, you need to go slower so you can stop tripping." You mumbled as you brought him to his feet.

"Master Luigi, you are LATE!" Toadsworth criticized. Peach waved off Toadsworth concerns and smiled at Luigi.

"Well! I'm glad you made it in time!" She smiled at him. You had returned to her side, holding the position of attention. "We were worried you would never show."

"Oh! Oui!" The french block man, Broque Monsieur, had cried happily. "Monsieur Luigi, he enjoyed zee same quiz on his way here. Zat is right, oui, Monsieur?"

Luigi was lying when he agreed. You had taken the quiz yourself and shoved the coins in Luigi's hat. He thought he did the quiz and just didn't remember, but it was actually you. (*)

Luigi had turned to you and made a couple of small mumbling noises, as if saying thank you for carrying him while he was out. Atleast he was saying thank you...

"Oui. Zat is right. Now. Messieurs Mario and Luigi. You won some coins in zee quiz, is zis not so?" He spoke again. "And how many coins did we win?"

Luigi reached into his hat and Mario reached into his overalls, pulling out small stacks of coins with immense smiles.

"Oh! Zee two of you combined won 50 coins!" Mario was a bit confused on how Luigi got 40 coins because he only won 10 from the quiz, but decided to not voice his concerns.

"Hmm...but zis sum is a bit, how do you say, meager, hohn?" God, his thick French accent was getting to you. You took a few language classes, but not French.

"Perhaps a petit game to fatten zee wallets?" By now, you had begun to sharped your sword again, since you were ever-so kindly interrupted earlier.

"Before you answer- hohn? Who is zis?" Broque Monsieur had taken notice to you. You perked up, eyebrow raised as you sat on the floor and sharpened your sword.

"What zis your name?" He looked at you. You had frozen up for a second, forgetting everything you had known about yourself in a second.

"Uh- [Name]?" You looked at him.

"Why not participate in zee game?" Broque Monsieur nodded. You really didn't want to, so you shook your head.

"Oh, why not? Give it a shot!" Peach smiled. You could never decline an order or an offer from Peach. You stood up, putting your sharpening tool back in your belt pocket along with your sword in its holder.

"Ah, j'adore! Zis Princess. She catches along quickly!" He smiled at the Princess as you grumbled off to the side. This fucking sucked.

Mario and Luigi began to mumble to each other, talking about it. You were a bit...hard of hearing, especially after defending the castle through many things like explosions.

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