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The large door opened, and Starlow appeared from nowhere, just like she always did. "Peach and Toadsworth must have gone ahead... this place looks sketchy, I don't like this one bit."

Starlow turned towards you, her eyebrow raised. "You look extra beat down today." You only grumbled and walked through the door, not wanting to strike down the Star Sprite due to your anger.

Mario and Luigi followed after, looking around at the deep underground. You came across another torch, the purple flame back once again.

"Hey, Starlow. The two of you should totally date." You mumbled, still completely out of it from your concussion.

"Did you think I would let you pass so easily?" The purple flame ignored your teasing. "No, the way forward is bought with suffering.. yes, you must suffer my ruthless challenge. The airborne terror...the TEST OF JUMPING!"

You watched as he explained it in a horrible fashion. It was only a staircase with a few short gaps. You grumbled, ignoring his cries to listen to him. You quickly pass, humbling him once more.

The door opened, you sighing and walking along. A couple of large gaps had stopped you from getting to the other platforms, but that didn't stop you. Mario and Luigi were on the ground, fighting a couple of Groomba's.

You sighed, not wanting to be left out, so you walked over to the other side and begun to fight Groomba's on your own. You entered the battle, sighing in annoyance.

You immediately struck your sword through the Groomba's like a spear, Mario and Luigi horrified by your sudden action. It was better not to mess with you.

Soon enough, the trio had defeated the Groomba's and walked over to a large block and a torch. Smoldergies appeared as the block turned into six. They all began to rotate, and you had to spot the odd one out.

Luigi and Mario looked before Luigi jumped at one of the blocks that was rotating clockwise. Mario and you congratulated him, smiling and patting him on the back.

"Your test does not end yet... I will let you go no closer." Smoldergiest grumbled before turning into a red flame once again.

The door opened, and the three of you walked in. Suddenly, a large pack of Groomba's formed into a plus shape on the floor and began to spin around. Mario and Luigi almost hit one of them before you picked the two of them up and jumped.

It was a bit difficult, but you didn't want to seem weak. So you carried them, guard training finally paying off. You walked to the other side, huffing.

You put the two down. They clapped in amazement, thanking you happily. "You two are so goofy." You muttered, grumbling.

The three of you walked before coming across another block. Mario hit it, and it split into three. Smoldergiest came back for a split second, surveying the situation.

It was a remembering game. Like find the ball under the cup. The boxes sped around until stopping suddenly. You had been watching Mario and Luigi having a bit of a stroke as you hit the correct one. The door opened.

Smoldergiest came back, sighing. "Ouch, well crud. Well, the next room. Yes, the next will bring true fear..."

You chuckled before hearing a shriek. It was Peach, begging for help. You immediately ran past the wall/door to go and save her. Mario and Luigi followed.

Peach and Toadsworth were being circled by four different ghastly balls, the two of them cowering in fear. You ran forward, not caring for what Starlow was yelling.

"Princess Peach!" You yelled. Suddenly, the ghastly balls disappeared. "Huh...guess I'm that intimidating." You chuckled as Peach ran up to you, holding your arm.

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