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"What the hell?! How can I breathe? How am I fine with this?!" You yelled, floating in the colorful rainbow space of Luigi's dreams. He certainly had an vivid imagination.

"Help!" Peach cried out. You looked over, a dull purple mist had taken capture of the Princess. It flew off, deep into a portal of his mind.

Mario hummed, grabbing your hand as you began to swim through the mind space of Luigi. It was beautifully crafted, but incredibly overwhelming.

The two of you swam up to the second portal, floating around and humming in concentration.

"This place...divides...the real...and the dream." A orb with a delightful purple and pink said. It swam away, a soft shimmering noise emitting from it. "You are now...entering...the dream world... help..help me." It went into the portal.

"Should we go in?" You mumbled. Mario nodded.

"If we want to-a save the princess, we go-a." He said, his arms slowly moving in circles to keep himself steady in the zero-gravity dream.

"If I was a princess/prince/ruler, I wouldn't be kidnapped for the 147th time in a row." You mumbled before swimming into the portal, Mario following you.

You were immediately thrown into the next place, seeing the lively plants combusting all around the bricks and such.

"Maaarrrioooo!" Peach called out. No mention to your name, hm? The two of you ran over, the purple mist swinging Peach around like a human wrecking ball.

"Mama mia!" Mario cried out, the two of your eyes widening as Peach waved her arms around and begging for help.

The two of you walked over, seeing the door that seemed like a humanized pillow of sorts. You sighed softly, running you fingers over the door and the ridges making your fingers feel fuzzy.

Mario ushered you along, running song to the next room where Peach was. "Help me! Mario!" She cried out again, putting her hand out as if she was reaching for him.

The two of you rushed over her again, but the almost opaque mist was already one step ahead of you. It floated away, far into the other corner of the room on a higher height of the floor.

Mario and you jumped over to the platforms, almost getting caught on a couple of cracks but managing to survive. Luigi's dreams were peaceful mostly, the place being covered in green plants of sorts. (*)

You had jumped high enough and saw the familiar yellow block man, Broque Monsieur. You grumbled, looking up as he was on a higher platform. He walked towards and jumped up, reaching a door of sorts.

"To enter zee gate.." he mumbled "Vous need only stand before it and slide zee circle pad up!" He shouted as he entered the door.

"What is that guy on about...?" You mumbled to yourself before jumping up to the door successfully. Mario just shrugged, entering the doorway with you.

You came out the other side, seeing Broque Monsieur once again. "Bonjour, mon frère!" Mario and you got closer to hear him better (it was mostly you who needed to hear better, but Mario tagged along.)

"Oh, hohn hohn! Zis room! It is very confusing! If you get lose and need zee help, Broque Monsieur is at your service." He explained.  Mario nodded muttering a soft "I got it!" As he jumped.

He went through one of the doors, you following along by a couple of steps. Before you knew it, you were on the other side. You had completely spaced out and just followed him like a zombie looking for food.

You look back at you, seeing Luigi once again. "Oh, hey, Luigi." You mumbled.

Mario looked back and nodded, smiling until the realization hit the both of you. Mario jumped, a little panicked and a little confused.

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