Fun facts

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Fun facts for the story (will be updated as the story progresses)

*After Crowley's nicknames stuck, Sam, Dean, and Y/n began answering messages on each other's phones using the nicknames.

*Y/n only sleeps in the same bed as Dean in motels after Sam wakes up to "Heat of the Moment" and freaks out, thinking it is a Mystery Spot moment all over again, throwing her off the bed.

*Rowena has a savings account for Y/n, where she deposits all the money she steals from conning rich men and women.

*Crowley shows favoritism towards Y/n over Sam and Dean. As a result, after selling her soul, she gets to be with the Hellhound pups in hell instead of being tortured.

*Balthazar treats Y/N as a daughter or little sister and gives her ancient jewelry or angel weapons.

*Crowley entrusted Cerberus to Y/n for protection, expressing his regard for her as a family member.

*Y/N cuddles against Dean and Sam whenever they are alone, watching TV for comfort.

*Y/N's canines are sharper than normal humans due to a genetic trait inherited from her mother's family.

*Cerberus can transform from its standard hellhound form to a dog form to protect Y/n from supernatural beings and humans.

*(This is my opinion) Since hybrids started as werewolves, they have heartbeats but are very slow. When Klaus is with Y/n, his heartbeat speeds up.

*Unless they are on a case, Y/n will either sit on the floor between Sam's or Dean's legs or lay her head on one of their laps and her legs on the other lap because it makes her feel safe.

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