-6- I'm Sorry That I Love You Too

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A day had gone by and Xiaoting had yet to speak to Yujin because every time she would try to talk to the girl she would only meet silence. It's not like Yujin wanted to ignore Xiaoting but she felt like she had to since she wanted more time to herself, truth be told she's afraid to face the other girl. However, this didn't stop Xiaoting from trying, instead it only encouraged her to try more. Due to trying so firmly, they were now both met with this predicament.

Yujin stood in front of Xiaoting, keeping her place still and firm while Xiaoting faced the girl with determination. Normally, Yujin would easily walk away and be unbothered but this situation is different. Xiaoting went to extremes, following Yujin to the store and cornering her just so she could talk. It was prominent how desperate the Chinese girl was becoming and in some way, it was sort of endearing to Yujin. She assumed it was because it showed that Xiaoting really was fighting for her but that still didn't change the fact that she was remarkably vexed that the girl was trapping her, almost causing a scene. Yujin took a deep breath and calmed herself before speaking. She didn't know whether she was nervous about talking to Xiaoting, or genuinely upset the girl followed her here, or both.

"Please move Xiaoting" She spoke through gritted teeth

Despite showing her annoyance, the younger stubbornly refused to back down. "Not unless you listen to me"

Yujin pursed her lips, sighing almost defeatedly but stood her ground nonetheless. "No, you listen to me. Leave me alone. I don't want to talk right now."

This only made Xiaoting pushier than before. She stepped closer to Yujin and tried holding both her hands. "But you never want to talk, just give me a chance unnie. Please stop leaving me"

Yujin could hear the sorrow and despair in her voice as Xiaoting's voice trembled, making Yujin's firey gaze soften. She hated seeing the younger like this. The leader looked at their hands, slowly retracting her hands from Xiaoting before looking back into her sad doe eyes. The older contemplated for a bit but eventually caved in, still unable to resist the other. Her mind kept telling her she wasn't ready yet but her heart contradicted her mind, provoking her to just give in to her. It wouldn't stop feeling warm and fuzzy from her efforts to talk to her.

"Fine. But, not here. Let me finish getting groceries then we can talk when we get back home" Xiaoting's eyes lit up at Yujin's acceptance and even though the situation they were in is rocky, Yujin was still able to make her madly blush from saying something as simple as mentioning going home with her. It shouldn't make her feel this sensation since they all live together but with Yujin it felt different, it felt right.

When they got back to the dorm, they put the groceries away and Yujin told the other members about the snacks she bought for them. As the leader was about to walk back into the kitchen she was stopped by a hand holding her wrist. She turned around and stared at a frowning Xiaoting. She cocked her eyebrows up in question, waiting for the younger to say something.

"Aren't we going to talk?" Xiaoting asked hesitantly as she let go of Yujin's wrist.

The older girl nodded carefully before speaking, "Yeah, but I need to pick up the kitchen and you're more than welcome to help"

Xiaoting sighed, nodding her head and following Yujin into the kitchen. As she helped Yujin pick up, her patience was starting to diminish. She tapped her finger on the counter impatiently, already finished with what Yujin had asked her to do. The leader finished cleaning up, looking at Xiaoting and somewhat glaring at her tapping fingers. The younger noticed this and slightly winced, quickly shoving her hands into her pockets. Yujin sighed, softening her gaze, and holding Xiaoting's hand, taking her to their room. They closed the door and faced each other, Yujin had already let go of Xiaoting's hand and both girls missed the feeling. They stared awkwardly at each other, realizing they haven't been in their room together since the fight. Yujin refused to stay in the same room with Xiaoting as it went against her need to be alone so luckily for her, Dayeon and Chaehyun had ever so graciously offered to share their room with her. Despite it being only a day and a half, it still felt odd.

Sorry I love you (Xiaojin ff)Where stories live. Discover now