finding out the bitter truth

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Lisa's POV

I was just a young and beautiful girl who lived in a small city in Zambia with my mom. 

However, I didn't have a nice life when growing up. My father passed away when I was eleven years old and my mother has always done everything for me. But still my mom didn't have enough money to give me the life I wanted. 

I made it my main goal to pass my grade twelve exam and get a scholarship in the USA and I was determined I will pass no matter what. All I want is to make my mom proud and prove to all those who think I won't be able to make it. 

Am Lisa seventeen years old, dark in complexion, have big brown eyes, small lips and a perfect nose. My hair is usually messy and black in color as I didn't know how to maintain it. 


It was Monday and I woke up early to go to school, I didn't want to be late on a Monday. I took a bath and got dressed in my uniform and there came the problem my hair. I did not know what to do with my stubborn hair so I just left it like that although I knew it will get me in trouble with the teachers and maybe they will report me to the headmaster but we'll I didn't care am used to it I will get punished and will be over. 

I did not bother to look for my mother as she told me she will bring heading out and would be back before I come back from school. . I hid the house keys nicely in one of the pot flowers and went to school. 

The day went by with me finishing my lessons and went to sit on a quite place to study peacefully. An hour passed and I got bored so I decided to go home. 

As I reached home I found a lot of people standing outside my house and I could not help but wonder what was wrong. 

The first thing that came to my mind was did my mother host a party!? But how could she do that we didn't have the money to feed all these people. 

Me and my mom would spend days without eating, my mother would look for a job so I could not go hungry but the money was not enough for she needed to pay for my school fees and all the important things I needed like books, pens, pencils and everything  necessary. 

I walked as fast as I could and stopped and asked the first person who was standing in front of me. " Excuse me miss, may I know what's going on here? " I asked " I don't know but I think someone passed away " The woman replied. 

I became nervous, sad, upset and lonely. I felt like crying I was filled with mixed emotions. 

I asked myself a lot of questions. Who? When? And how? Then I realized one thing I have not seen my mom ever since I came back from school. 

I ran as fast as I could and reached the door, I held the door flame so tight as I screamed for her " Mom! ... Mom! "  But there was no response. 

Everyone looked at me as I was now on the floor crying. 


Okay so I have rewritten the book again this time in first point of view and detailed work. I hope you will like and enjoy it. 

Finding my happy ever afterWhere stories live. Discover now