trying to understand everything

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Lisa's POV

I could hear someone approaching me when the person reached where I was she patted my back and sighed " Am sorry my child, your mother is gone she will never come back" The person said. 

I was so confused and looked up to see the person who said thatthat. It was an old woman she was light in complexion, had short grey curly hair and she was putting on glasses. The old woman was wearing a black dress and sandals although she didn't have jewelry she looked kind of rich. 

After observing the old woman I finally asked my question " What do you mean she will never come back? Where did she go without me? "

I could not believe it my mom left without telling me, if she was in a hurry to leave. Why didn't she come to my school and take me with? 

" Lisa  my child morning when youyour mother passed away" The old woman said and sat next to meme as I started crying. I could not believe my ears did the old woman know what she was talking about? 

The old woman took in a deep breath " Lisa I came to visit your mother this morning after you left for school, i wanted to know how she was doing as your mother has not come to see me recently. I knocked on the door but there was no response I thought I should knock for a few minutes and I did but still there was no response. I became scared thinking something might have happened to her, I tried calling out to her but she didn't come out that's when I went to get some help. We came back and they broke the door. We searched the house and found your mother laying down on the floor while trying to catch her breath ".

The old woman got her handchief and wiped her tears away  she reached for my hands and took it in hershers as she started speaking again. 

" When I saw your mother like that the first thing that came to mind was to take her to a nearest clinic I told the people who were with me to help but your mother refused and the only thing she kept saying was I should take care of you and treat you like my own she made me promise her and after that she closed her eyes and stopped talking before I knew it your mother was no more "

The old woman cried harder when she said the last sentence. 

Finding my happy ever afterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz