can not be true

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I was now standing up with my hands on my head. I could not believe what the old woman said. My mother failing to breathe, making the old woman promise her to take care of me and her passing away. 

I moved my hands to my ears, I just wanted to be alone I wish I never heard what the old woman said. 

" Lies!!.. You Lier!! .. . You're such a Lier!! " I was screaming on top of my voice. I gaining everyone was looking at me with pity in their eyes. That's not what I wanted, I wanted my mom next to me telling me everything is okay.  My tears filled my eyes. My vision be coming blurry from the tears my head was spinning around everything around me became dark. I could hear the old woman shout out to me before I lost conscious. 

* In the hospital "

I opened my eyes slowly adjusting to the light that assaulted my eyes. I noticed I was on the bed with a hospital gown and I that let me know I was in the hospital. I looked to the other side and noticed the old woman looking at me. Although she looked at me with so much worry and care I looked away from the old woman ignoring her completely. 

I started to cry again letting my tears roll down my cheeks as I asked myself a lot of questions. Why did this happen to me? I have suffered enough! First it was my father the only man who loved me on this earth in this cruel world of ours with no conditions,who was willing to do anything to see me happy and now it was my mom the only person I had left with it was too much for a young girl like me I couldn't handle it. Why was God so hard on me? What did I do to deserve such a punishment?..

" Lisa my child,how are you feeling? " the old woman asked snapping me out of my thoughts. Her voice was so soft asking with so much care in the world. I only looked at the old woman but never said a thing.

" Lisa I know it's hard to take all of this but believe am here for you and I will never leave you,please my child say something " the old woman pleaded.

Great, just great the old woman was here all because she promised my mom she would be with me. Would she have even be here if it was not for my mom making her promise to be with me or did she do it because she felt Pitty for me? She has a chance to leave and let MD be alone. My mom is not here to see her leaving me.


A few days passed ever since my mom passed away and I was discharged from the hospital.

The old woman took me to her house. It was beautiful bigger than the house I stayed in with my mom it could not even compare to it.

The living room was specious and amazing it had a dinning area across the room. The kitchen was just across the living area with a passage that led to the other rooms. I looked at the house in awe.

"You love it?" The old woman asked.

"Yes it is beautiful it is bigger than the house me and my mom lived in"

For the passed few days I just accepted my fate ,I lost my mom but not my dreams. I still had a bright future ahead of me. It was pointless even if I stopped talking to everyone the fact still remained my mom was gone and would never come back.

The old woman sighed " you must be tired let me take you to your room and freshen up "

" What? My room? " I asked with disbelief surprise written all over my face.

" yes my child,your room. Let's do this you go to your room and freshen up and then Grt some rest and I will call you when dinner is ready "

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