6- Two Letters and very Coffee-Stained jeans.

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Vanilla Biscuit,
I know you're probably too busy blackening your lungs with your new Uni friends so I'll keep this short and sweet. Believe it or not- after a summer of no sleep because of your stupid instruments, I'm now struggling to go to bed without hearing them through the walls. Mary, Marlene, Dorcas and the boys send their hellos, all said you were really nice at the station, clearly my friends are demented. First week as a prefect has had me run off of my feet as have OWLS revision classes starting early. How did you make OLevels and GCSEs look so easy?! But enough about me. How are your classes? Have you made friends? Are you eating?....gosh I must read like a letter from mum. I know you annoy me and I, you but I do miss you Finn. I hope everything is okay, I hope you're loving Living in London. I'll have to come see your dorm at Christmas.

Have a lovely rest of your first week,

Write back soon.


-Gingerbread xxxxx

Finn chuckled to himself as he sat the parchment back down onto the amp beside him

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Finn chuckled to himself as he sat the parchment back down onto the amp beside him.

He was perched on a sofa, in one of the music rooms alone with his guitar and the letter. He reread it once, then twice more.

"I miss you too gingerbread." He mumbled to himself absentmindedly. The room was echoey and large. With arching ceilings and pure brick walls. The room was lined with guitar racks, a grand piano. Displayed symbols and small violins and violas. A large pair of double bases in the corner and in the middle a big round table for classes to congregate at for music theory lessons.

"Talking to your imaginary friend?" Came a voice after the sound of the old creaky door to the entrance of the old music building's second-floor corridor.

"You made me jump and I'm holding my prized possession." He looked back at the girl in the doorway. "Sorry sorry....thought you wanted me to meet you in here- but if I'm interrupting your creative time I'll-."

"No no!...." He jumped up a bit too quickly nearly launching the prized instrument across the sofa. He stepped towards her.

"How was your morning Dance induction?"
"Long- and tiring as hell." She replied moving back past him towards his original spot. "How was music?"

"Awkward, I knew no one and I think I'm in with some real Elvis level musical geniuses."
"Oh yeah, don't think you're as good as them?" She asked and he sadly shuck his head, "well that's bullshit- I've heard you play what twice?" She asked and he nodded, "and I know you're just like a 'real Elvis level musical genius.' Already." She made him smile. Good.

"Thanks Nash, You done for the day?" He asked.
"Oh, yeah until Film later." She nodded back. "Wanna go back up to the dorms or-?"

"We could take a walk?" She quickly answered and he smiled again, "I'd like that."

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