8- Spiteful times.

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"You know, one of these days you're gonna seriously hurt yourself going too hard

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"You know, one of these days you're gonna seriously hurt yourself going too hard." Max's voice rang across the now vacant dance studio.

Nash suddenly stilled dropping down onto flat feet out of her pirouettes, not taking the moment to finish properly like she usually would. She released a frustrated sigh. A cold sweat had formed and was now dripping down her face and the back of her neck. Her feet were aching and overheated in her point shoes and her arms were stiff from being braced for so long.

Her head span a few more times until she become less dizzying, then  she allowed herself to collapse unceremoniously onto the springy dance room floor. Back onto her arse as her tutu bunched around her waist.

Max was already changed into his usual jeans and a polyester NikNik shirt, out of his dance gear. His figure accompanied by Finn's familiar presence slowly became more focused and still in her line of sight as she looked up through her buckling  ballerina bun's escaped curls. "Your guys' class ended an hour ago Nash." Finn sighed moving towards her, dropping his bag and sitting much more gracefully then she had on the floor in front of her. Max joined him quickly at his side in delicate steps.

She just grunted back an "I'm aware." Before she dragged her aching left leg in-front of herself for a long stretch. She took her point shoe off massaging her ankle before stretching her right leg out and doing the same. Then she turned and moved a few times to release the tension in her back. Small pops and cracking noises emanated from her bones.

"I finally got that turn." She panted out to Max who grimaced. She was still not making eye contact, and still out of breath. "And nearly killed yourself in the process. Nice one." He nodded along his Welsh accent almost mocking at how cheery it made him sound.

"We're supposed to meet Mina and Luca in the cafe in ten minutes." He told her checking his obnoxiously large watch on his wrist and she just nodded, "help me up will you? I think my bones are all broken." She reached out her arms and the boys both stood back up with a chuckle, taking her extended wrists and helping to hoist her back up.

"I'll change quickly, you two go ahead downstairs. Tell the others I'm sorry for being late."
"You sure?" He asked and she nodded with a weaker smile then usual. "Yeah, I'll be no later then ten minutes....Thanks boys."
"You got it Nash." Max nodded then he left her alone to head to the changing room.

She noticed Finn dragging a bit behind.

"You want the lighter don't you?" She mused with a knowing smirk and a quirk of her perfect raven eyebrow. "Yes please." He grinned back cheekily. She moved to fetch her bag from the corner, still walking slightly crooked before she retrieved the yellow clipper. Tossing it his way making him smile wider the waiting cigarette already on his left ear like always. "Save me one yeah?"

"Always for you, Nash."


Dear Sirius,
Happy birthday baby brother. Wow, that feels strange to write.. I was really happy to receive your last letter. At first I'll admit, I was too afraid to open it. I sat staring at your hand writing of all things- it's still terrible by the way...

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