Moving Already?!

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* 2 days later*

"Mom, why do we have to leave so early?!" I asked. "So that when we arrive to California, we do some sightseeing and relax." my mom always says that. "Well, okay then." I agreed, I always do. My mom and I are really close and I have two brothers. One is a year younger and the other one who is 8 years younger, and I've got a step dad.

My mom and real dad never did have a good relationship though not even when they were still dating, my dad is very selfish he would ask my grandfather (mom's side) for money only for his wants not for our needs.

"Alex, are you done packing your things in those boxes? If you are, please bring them down here okay?" she asked. "Okay mom." I said running up to my room.

*minutes later*

I'm finally done bringing all the boxes downstairs. "Mom, I'm done bringing the boxes down." I said. "That's good, when your dad arrives, we are leaving." she replies while she arranges her boxes, so for her not to yell at me.. I did the same thing.

A/N: hey guys! So school is almost here so reminder I won't be able to update all the time. I hope you guys like this book this is the first book that I published the other book I made, well I wasn't feeling inspired. So love you and thank you all

Pursuing Dreams// Jace Norman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now