New Cities And New Friends

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We are currently at the car and we're almost at the airport "How long till we get to the airport?" I asked my parents "Iess than 15 minutes I guess." my dad answered while my mom was taking a nap and my brothers were sleeping too.

*10 minutes later*

"Okay guys, wake up, we're at the airport." My dad said after he stopped the engine. Everyone was asleep but me and dad. We asked for assistance with our boxes, I carried mine, I would never let anyone carry my bag, never.

A/N: I don't know how long it takes to travel from Vancouver to L.A., so let's just go with the flow (:

"Well Alexis, prepare to be bored sitting here for 6 straight hours." I said to myself. I popped my phone out of my pocket and well... took a selfie and posted it on instagram.

@AlexisDelRey: before take off .

After posting I put my phone back in my shoulder bag and went to sleep.

*6 hours later*

"To all our passengers, we have reached Las Angeles, California. You may now get your bags and leave. Thank you for riding at Vancouver Airlines." The pilot said.

A/N: I don't know any name of an airline. So, I just made it up.

I got out of the plane and saw L.A.'s amazing view. We got our baggage and saw a man who was holding a paper that says "Alexis Del Ray" hmmm I think I could get used to this.

*at the apartment*

4 more days before we start shooting,
I'm just gonna sleep for the rest of the day, I'm so exhausted, so is my family.

*the next day*

I woke up early today because the rays of the sun went on my face. Everyone is still asleep, I went down the stairs slowly and carefully so nobody would wake up.

Boxes were still packed so I looked for the box with the kitchens materials. I found the box of kitchen materials and I obviously opened it, I looked for all the bowls and utensils. And yes, all of the bowls and utensils so that I can wash them. I do like washing the dishes, I know it's weird but it became a habit.

After I washed the bowls and utensils, I grabbed a bowl and a spoon and looked for milk and cereal. After eating, I showered and wore my Vans, demin shorts, and muscle tee that says "Donut Care" and lastly, I got my skateboard. Yes, I do ride skateboards and then I left the house. I'm about two blocks away from home and I'm just looking around and i found Starbucks, yes finally I found it.I ran to the door like I haven't been to any coffee shop then walked inside normally.

I lined up and after I bought my caramel cream and sat down. After a while, I walked outside scrolling on my phone and bumped into a group of people "oh, sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" I apologized "nah, it's okay" a short girl, in a cute and non-offensive way "I'm Riele by the way" she said "I'm Alexis" we shook hands "that's Sean" she said pointing to a boy with curly hair he waved, I waved back "And that's Jace" Riele says pointing to a blonde boy who looks kinda cute.

Hmmm I guess I made some friends

A/N: hey guys! Sorry it took a long time for me to finish this chapter, I have loads of homework. I promise that I will try my best to update more. God bless you all

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