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We both ignored her. They took us to the back.
I left mine on. Maybe Kris will leave me alone.
We walk outside.
She grabs me.

A: Don't fucking touch me.

I kept walking and J did too.
She stood behind my car.  The owner came out and made her move.

My realtor met us there. We made an offer. Before we left I received a notification.  Kris is at my fucking house.

J: What?
A:Kris is at the house.

J makes a call.

J: Kris is at the door.  Introduce her to Luci.  She isn't pregnant.
J: Bobby is going to introduce her to someone. 

I drove fast home. J was laughing the whole time he was watching the camera on my phone. The fake belly fell off at some point as she ran from the huge Rottweiler. We make it as Kris is leaving in her car.
We get out.

J: Luci you're such a good girl you are getting a treat.

I ran upstairs.

A: Hey.
She was asleep.
I walked back down stairs.

B: She has slept most of the time.  Her doctor called to check on her and he said that was good.  She has an appointment Friday morning.
A: Thank you.
B: Thank you for taking care of her.
A: If you two will excuse me I need a nap.
I reached down and scratched Luci's head as I walked upstairs.
I showered and climbed into bed with her. She steered around .
A: It's just me, baby, rest. 
The following day I woke up and we were in the same position.

I watched as she slept.

C: Austin.
A: I'm here, are you ok?

She shook her head yes as she melted into my arms. 

Bobby and J moved into our other house.  It was Friday and time for the doctor.
We went in as we waited. She was quiet.

A: It's ok.
C: I'm just worried.
A: Me to baby.
They did another scan.  The baby was fine.  The doctor came in.
D: So, how is it going?
C: OK.
D: Have you had any more fainting episodes?
C: No.
D:  The baby looks good.  Are you tired?
C: Yes. 
D:  That's normal. You need more fluids.  I can do them here. If you are ok with that.

We both said yes.  We waited as the bag of fluids emptied.

A: What would you like to do after this?
C: How much time do we have?
A: How much ever we need.
C: Can we drive your C10?
A: Yes we can.
We drove to the car barn and got the C10 out. 
We drove around the mountains.  I pulled over at another lot of land I owned.
A: Hey.
C: Hey.
A: Come here.

I pulled her into my lap.

A: What's going on with you?
C: I'm just hormonal.
A: Well, I want to show you something.

I pulled the box with our wedding bands out.

A: What do you think?
C: They are beautiful.
A: I'm glad you like them.  Try it on to make sure it fits. 

She did.

C: It fits perfectly thank you.
A: You know I talked to the doctor.  We can have sex.

I put my head between her breasts.
She moved to straddle me. I grabbed her and kissed her deeply. 

C: What if someone comes in?
A: Then they are trespassing. We own this.  It connects to our house.

I laid her down on the car seat.  I lifted her dress.  I rubbed her as I slid one finger inside.

A: You're so wet for me.

I pulled my pants down and my erection sprung free.  I slid into her.  She began to moan.  I moaned as slid inside of her.
I picked up the pace.  We both came quickly.  I sat her in my lap and held her.

A: 2 days I was about to go crazy.
C: 6 weeks after.
A: Fuck we are going to be miserable.
C: Yes we are.

My phone chimed.  It was a text from Dre'.
C: Are you ok?
A: He's asking about the contract.
C: What do you think?
A: We could put in there that we tour and do promos together. We don't want to be separate.
C: I like that.  Package deal. What if I don't do well?
A: You can still go on tour with me. As Mrs. Post.
C: I like that.
A: I'll have them send it to Kirby.  Are you ok with Dre' being your manager?
C: I go where you go.

I call Dre' back and go over the details.
I called Kirby and he was fine with looking over everything.
We sat in the bed of the truck and cuddled.

C: I hate to ruin this, but I am so hungry.
A: What would you like to eat?
C: Steak and loaded baked potato.
A: Let's go then.
We sat in the back of the restaurant.
We ate.  I finished before she did.  I was feeding her steak and I heard a voice.
B: Isn't this just too fucking cute. 
A: Stay here, call Clint, do not come outside.

I got up and drug him outside.  I punched him until Clint drug me off of him.  I walked back inside.

She was still in the booth.

A: Are you ok?
C: I'm fine.  I just wish we didn't have to deal with this.
A: Me too.
C: Let's go get your hand looked at.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2023 ⏰

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