23 4 10

*my phone alarm rings*

I rubbed my eyes and sat up before checking my phone.

It is the first day of my new job. I'm going to work as a producer.

As the morning sunlight seeps through my window, I slowly open my eyes and take a deep breath. 

I stretch my arms and legs, feeling the fatigue of yesterday's work slowly dissipate.

I run my fingers through my hair, trying to untangle the knots that have formed overnight. 

After a few minutes of grooming, I leave bed and head towards the bathroom.

As I brush my teeth and wash my face, I glance at my reflection in the mirror. 

I notice small bangs under my eyes and cover them with makeup.

I splash some water on my face, feeling the coolness of it refresh me. I then proceed to get dressed for the day.

I open my closet and take out my trusted long black jacket. 

It's a bit worn out, but I always wear it. 

I have to.

I wear it every day, no matter the weather. 

I pair it with a simple white T-shirt and a pair of jeans. 

I slip on my sneakers and head out the door.

I unlock my bike, park outside my apartment building, and ride toward the cafe. 

It's a short distance, but the cool breeze on my face makes it feel refreshing.

I arrive at the cafe in a few minutes and park my bike outside.

I walk inside, and a bell dings. 

I deeply breathe, smelling the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and pastries.

I request a black coffee and then moved to the side. 

While checking my phone, I scrolled through Instagram and smiled at the new posts from my friends.

After a brief wait, I finally receive my coffee and complete the purchase. 

I take a subtle whiff of my coffee as I step outside the store.

After hopping back on my bike, I went to the company. 

Feeling a bit tired, I yawned and covered my mouth before entering. 

I quickly checked my phone and saw I had an email with the subject line "130.." which I whispered to myself.

I head to the elevator and select the third floor. 

After waiting a moment, I begin walking and scanning the doors for room 130. 

After some searching, I eventually find a door with a print that read '130'.

As I attempt to open the door, I realize it is locked. 

After rummaging through my pockets, I retrieve the keys I was recently given and insert them into the door handle. 

With ease, the door opens, revealing a young lady with flowing blonde locks seated on a chair. 

She looks at me for a moment, scanning me, and looks back at her computer. 

"Hey, cutie. You must be the new producer, huh?" She asks as she finishes typing an email. 

She gets up and offers her hand. 

"Iseul," I say softly. "Ji-hoo," She replies with a smile.

"I'll show you around," She says. 

Inside the room, several computers, microphones, and other studio equipment are neatly organized. 

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