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Ji-hoo smiled as I responded.

"I understand. That's good. Please take care of yourself, okay? You're valuable, and I want you to remember that," she said kindly with encouraging eyes.

"Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Remember your worth and importance."

I looked away, pondering her words, before meeting her gaze and nodding slowly.

Ji-hoo's calm and understanding expression reflected her compassion at that moment.

"You don't need to hesitate," she assured me with a smile.

"Remember what I said. Your well-being and happiness matter. Do you understand?" Her sincere and appreciative eyes shone with kindness and understanding.

"Yeah," Is the only thing I manage to reply with.

she talks so much

"That's great to hear. It's important for you to prioritize rest and relaxation to take care of yourself, Iseul. You won't be able to function properly if you're constantly tired and overworked. Remember to be kind to yourself and take breaks when needed," Ji-hoo advises with a sincere tone, leaning in closer to me.

"I understand it's a challenge, but make an effort to prioritize your well-being," she concludes with a gentle smile.

"Sure, I'll try that," I say. Ji-hoo smiles brightly. "That's good to hear. I know it's not easy. But just do your best, alright? And if you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm here, alright? I'm here for you."

I nod, and I continue to write down lyrics.

Ji-hoo watches me for a moment, her face seeming to light up.

"You're really talented, you know that right?" she asks softly and with a warm and encouraging tone.

"The lyrics you've written are really amazing." Ji-hoo's eyes seem to shine with respect and admiration, and her whole demeanor is full of kindness and encouragement.

"Keep that up, alright? I'm proud of you." She pauses and smiles again.

"You're doing great, okay?"

she's so nice for no reason

"Thanks~!" I say with a soft smile as I jot down lyrics.

Ji-hoo nods.

"You're welcome."

Ji-hoo's face seems to light up with a kind, encouraging smile as he speaks.

"Just keep at it, alright? I know it's tough sometimes, but you'll get through it. Don't let yourself be discouraged. If you can, try to find the beauty and creativity in everything, from the little things in life to life itself." She pauses for a moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2023 ⏰

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