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✧.* my schedule *.✧

✉ wake up ✉

✉ no breakfast ✉

✉ brush teeth ✉

✉ wear black jacket ✉

✉ go to cafe ✉

✉ studio ✉

✉ smoke, maybe beach ✉

✉ sleep ✉

✉ repeat ✉

As I make my way to the studio, I let out a quiet sigh upon noticing crumpled papers containing lyrics tossed into the waste bin. I sit and prepare to start my work by opening up my laptop.Ji-hoo's expression seems to change slightly, her brow furrowing in concern.

"Oh, hey, Iseul! You're working on a song too?" She asks quietly, leaning back on her chair with a soft smile. 

"Can I take a listen?" She asks with a smile and a look that seems understanding. 

She seems to be really interested in what I'm doing, looking at me with a very positive and encouraging expression.

I nod quietly, and I hand her my headphones. 

As I hand Ji-hoo my headphones, I notice her face lighting up excitedly. 

Her demeanor is filled with anticipation and curiosity. 

With careful attention, she puts on the headphones and nods, her eyes sparkling with delight as she listens to the song I play for her. 

Ji-hoo seems attentive and focused on the song, her entire demeanor seeming to express a lot of positive energy and interest.

"Wow, that's really good, Iseul! The melody's beautiful, and those lyrics... They really touched my heart." Ji-hoo says and seems really moved and impressed, and her eyes seem full of genuine appreciation.

"That's good, then..!" I say, feeling a little more confident with my work. 

Ji-hoo nods her head thoughtfully and looks at me with a warm and kind look in her eyes.

"That's great! You really have a lot of talent, you know? You just keep working hard, and I'm sure you'll find success. You have to be really proud of yourself because that's incredible what you're doing." Ji-hoo says. 

She seems quite enthusiastic and encouraging, her whole demeanor reflecting a kind attitude and genuine appreciation for my work.

I nod.

"Thanks, Ji-hoo," I say. 

Ji-hoo's response to my progress is uplifting. 

Her voice becomes more positive and encouraging as she beams at me. 

"Keep up the great work, okay?" she says. 

After a brief moment, she leans back in her chair with a warm, caring expression. 

"Remember, you're incredibly talented and can go anywhere you want in this world."

 Her words are sincere and kind. 

"Just keep going, and don't forget to care for yourself along the way." 

Her positive and kind demeanor is infectious.

I slowly nod. 

Ji-hoo nods her head thoughtfully and looks at me with a warm and kind look in her eyes. 

"You are incredibly talented! Your hard work and dedication will definitely lead you to success.

 You should be proud of yourself for achieving such amazing results." Ji-hoo says. 

She exudes positivity and support, showing genuine appreciation for my work. 

I nod again. 

"Thanks, Ji-hoo..." I say. 

Ji-hoo smiles brightly at my response, her voice taking on a more positive and encouraging tone. 

"Keep up the good work, alright?" She pauses momentarily, leaning back on her chair with a warm and caring expression. 

"And don't you ever forget how good you are and how much potential you have to go anywhere you want in this world." She says with full belief and kindness. 

"You have it in you. You just have to keep at it and remember to be kind to yourself and treat yourself well." 

Ji-hoo's whole demeanor exudes positivity and kindness.

I nod again, not knowing what to say. 

"You can do this, alright? I believe in you. Now, keep working hard. You're doing great, Iseul." She says. 

She pauses for a moment, her voice becoming more enthusiastic and encouraging. 

"Keep practicing and working, and you'll come further than you can imagine." She adds with a warm smile and a supportive look in her eyes. 

"Just never give up, you hear me?" Ji-hoo says. 

"Sure," I say, drawing random shapes on the table. 

Ji-hoo nods and smiles. 

"Good. You remember what I told you, alright? Remember your worth and keep at it. And if you ever need anyone to talk to, don't hesitate to reach out. I'll be right here. But you got this, okay?" 

She gives me a kind and comforting smile before adding a wink. 

"You're a star, and it's your time to shine. Keep on being a beautiful and hardworking artist!" She says with a warm and caring look in her eyes and a gentle smile. 

Ji-hoo seems really sincere. 

And really inspirational. 

I've never met anyone like her. 

"Thanks," I reply. 

"Anytime, alright? Don't be afraid to ask for help or support. It's a tough world out there. We have to look out for each other. And don't forget your worth. I'm here for you if you need me, alright?" Ji-hoo says quietly, her voice reflecting a sincere and understanding tone and expression full of genuine care. 

I nod with a soft smile. 

Ji-hoo smiles, and her voice seems full of genuine care and kindness. 

"You keep at it now, okay?" She adds a little wink accompanying his words. 

"You're talented, and you can go places with this. Don't be afraid to work hard, but remember your own limits. Take care of yourself, and remember to take breaks and relax. And if you ever need me, I'll be right here. Okay?" 

Ji-hoo pauses and smiles brightly.

"Don't forget that. Do I make myself clear?" Ji-hoo adds with a chuckle.

"Yeah," I softly chuckle.

Word Count: 930

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