Lazy Susan

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June 23rd, Saturday.

You stop sweeping for a moment to yawn and look at your phone.

"Hey! Stop slacking. You know the boss is already on the verge of firing you." Jason joked. You rolled your eyes and continue.

"Shut it, Jason. And I don't even know why he hates me so much! What am I doing wrong?!" You half yelled. You were too tired to be loud, it was one of your early morning shifts at the store.

"He's just like that, don't take it personally. Trust me, I've known him all my life."

"Well I'd hope so, he's your older brother." You teased.

He shot you a look, "Shut the fuck up man, I ain't adopted." This, caused you to burst out laughing.

"How do you know?"

"Because I've asked." This made you shoot him a look, "fuck you." He spat, a smile sneaking its way onto his face.

"I didn't say anything."

He shook his head and continued stocking the shelves. You continue to sweep the floors. Once you finished that, you moved on to swap some of the tags on the items, Jason came around the corner and began helping you.

"When is our life gonna get interesting?"

"Maybe when we get the fuck out of here."

You sigh, "Yeah if we ever do."

"Hey man, don't say that."

"No, Jason I've been stuck in the town for the past 10 years. And the only reason I can't move is because I don't have enough money. I have no life here."

"You're almost there. You wanna move to New York, right?"

"Yeah, shits expensive but...I feel like I need it."

"I feel you. I'll miss you when you leave."

You laugh slightly, "I'll miss your little adopted ass too."

He smacked his tongue, "I'm not adopted- you know what, never mind." He continued to swap the tags, "So, what's your plan for New York? Or are you just gonna make it up as you go?"

"I don't know. I don't even know if I'm gonna make it."

His face gets serious, "yes you will. How long have I known you and you've never given up on this dream? But if I'm real with you, it's gonna be different. You're gonna have to work harder."

"I know, I know. I've been preparing myself for it for the last two years. I'm ready mentally but, not physically."

"You will be, just give it three months."



"Hi there! Welcome to Manhattanville Coffee! What can I get for you?" You say, in your best customer service voice. You already knew what they wanted. This was Susan.

"Hi," they look down, reading your name tag, then saying it out loud. This made you uncomfortable. "Can I just get a Matcha Latte with Oat Milk and Hazelnut and then...a sandwich? Please?"

"Alright..." you begin tapping the screen with a strained smile. "Would that be all?" You asked.

They nod and tap their card to pay.

"Would you like a receipt?" You attempt to say, but they end up walking away. Never mind then.

You felt a tap on your shoulder, "hey do you mind getting that order? You're the only person who can do the designs on it well, and you know Susan and her need for designs on her drinks."

You take in a breath, "Yeah here- take over for me." You begin to walk away to make her order. And at the very end, you did a design with the foam, then you grabbed her sandwich.

"Matcha latte with oat milk and hazelnut for Susan?" You yelled. You looked over at Susan, she was standing a couple feet away from the counter looking down at her phone. "Susan?" You yelled slightly louder, hoping to catch her attention. Nothing. So, you sat the drink and the sandwich on the 'pick up' counter for when she sees it.

You were about to serve the next customer when all of a sudden the coffee shop was filled with screams and yells.

"Oh, my god. It's Spider-Man!"

"Spider-Man is here?!"

"Can I get a picture?"

You had to admit, you were shocked. But you had to focus, especially because all of your other coworkers weren't. The web-slinger began to walk up to the counter.

"Hey, could I get an espresso?"

You cleared your throat. Was this happening right now? What day was it?

"Sure...uh- will that be all?"


"Could I get a name for that?"

And to that, he said nothing. But you could practically feel the smirk coming from him. You took the hint and wrote, 'Wallcrawler' on the cup as he began to walk away. Surprisingly, only a couple of people came up to him for photos. The rest were kind of just staring or side-eyeing.

You began to make his order, as the rest of your coworkers were...distracted. When you finished, you drew a little spider on the side of the cup. You then walked up to the counter.

"Espresso for..." you pretended to read the cup, "Wallcrawler?" And you set it down on the counter. Your eyes lifted and saw he was walking up to you.

"Appreciate the nickname," he looked at the cup, "and the spider." You smiled a downward smile and gave him a nod of 'you're welcome' before walking away. You heard the chimes of the bell on the door ring, signaling he was gone.

Almost immediately, you were approached by your coworkers.

"Oh my god! I can't believe he came here!"

"You spoke to him!"

"What did he order?"

You playfully rolled your eyes at them. "He's just a guy, what's the big deal?"

"Just a guy with SUPERPOWERS," Jenny yelled.

"Yeah, how are you gonna act like that's not a big deal."

You sighed, "Guys he's been in New York for how many years now? He's not a new thing, you've HAD to have had an experience with him."

They all stood there, shaking their heads.

"Wait, what? You haven't?"

"You have?" They said in unison. You decided not to spare details on it. It was small. You were getting robbed by a couple of guys and he came and saved you. Instead of telling them this, you stayed silent and began to get back to work. They pressed you on it for a while but decided to leave you alone shortly after.


Your shift had just ended and you were walking out to your car when you were approached by a certain someone.....

The Bomb (And the Flame That Lights It) Spider-Man x Reader حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن