Says Who?

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June 24th, Monday

"A Latte for Micha?" You yelled. A blond man came up to the counter with his daughter and took the drink but his daughter was the one to say thank you. You smiled at her as she held his hand and walked away. She looked about five years old.

You walked back over to the coffee maker and began to make more orders. It was 1:20, and your lunch break was in about fifteen minutes. There was a faint song playing in the background that you made out to be Harry Styles, but you weren't sure which song. By the time you put it on the record that you were about to be at lunch by telling all of your coworkers, it was 1:35. 

You opened the back door out to the alleyway and stepped down the steps. You crouched down and took out the sandwich you bought from the store before your shift. You took out your phone and called Jason.



*"Jason you will not believe what the fuck happened last night."*

*"You went home?*

*"No dude, Spider-Man came to my window all bloody and shit."*

He was silent for a moment.

*"you called me just to lie?"*

*"im not fucking joking! There's his blood on my couch."*

*"And Micheal Jackson just came back to life."*

*"im not lying! I'll send you a picture when I get home I swear. I had to take care of him. He got messed up in a battle with some guy. And then he spent the night. But then he started to feel bad because he didn't want to 'abandon' New York, and I told him that it's fine to take a break every once in a while. "*

*"you gotta stop making stuff like this up bro."*

*"Im telling the truth. Okay, I woke up in the middle of the night right, and so did he."* you paused for a moment to check if anyone was around, *"He walked into my kitchen and was in pain so I gave him pain killers, and I told him about Washington and honestly? We had a moment."*

*"Why am I starting to believe you?"*

*"because I'm telling you the truth! Let me finish my damn story. So then I walked him back to my room, because I made him take my bed because of his injuries, and he told me to stay, Jason. He told me to fucking stay."*

*"Well did you stay?"*

*"I...I wish I did. But no."*

*"are you a fucking dumbass or are you just really selfish?"*

You groaned, *"I know! I'm so stupid. Now I probably won't ever see him again. But I think he would've regretted it, he had a bit of a fever when we went back to sleep so I'm not sure if he was thinking straight."*

Jason yelled your name over the phone, making you pull away from it. *"Anyone would be lucky to spend the night with you, do you understand that?"*

*"im about to hang up."* You said.

*"im serious,"* he says your name, "you need to realize that."*

*"my lunch is almost over, I've gotta go. Bye Jason."*

*"Remember what I said!"* he yelled before you hung up the phone. You took another bite of your sandwich and sighed. You couldn't stop thinking about him, Spider-Man. You wondered if you'd see him again. You looked around you, the sun was shining and it was a warm 88 degrees. You were glad you wore shorts. Washington was not usually like this, by this time it would be maybe 76 degrees.

You stood up and decided you were going to walk over to Teos Bodega before your break ended. As you were walking you heard police sirens and ambulances rushing through the streets, yet no Spider-Man to be seen. He was probably off doing other things. You had woken up this morning to him gone, with a little note that said 'thank you, I hope to see you again.' With a small spider drawn on to it, one that looked like the one you drew on his drink cup.

The Bomb (And the Flame That Lights It) Spider-Man x Reader Where stories live. Discover now