Part 1

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Narrator pov:                                                                It was a really nice day, it was calm there demon-attack for a long time, but because of the that Mk was really bored.                                    He was in he's appartement when he got an idea.                                                                                 Mk pov:                                                                          ^Ughhhh!!! I'm soooo bored, I have nothing to do^ said Mk *Oh wait I got an idea 🤩. I will call Mei* I toke out my phone which was in my pocket, look in the contacts to find her number and called her. After a few  seconds she pick up the phone and I told her the amazing idea I got.    ^Ok let's do it!^ Mei cheer on the other side of the phone. ^Yeah let me invite the others.^         Yeah so I'm going to stop here for now but I will be back soon ok 👍. Bye my kitties

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