Part 3

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Hey guys what's up? Yes we have a new chapter i hope you like it. Love you all 😘

Narrator pov: 

After a long time talking to each other ( not Macaque and Wukong thought 😒) they start to play some games, they play different games and Mei ask if they could play thruth or dare.

Wukong- Umm.... i am not so sure about that can't we play another game?

Everybody look confused on why he wanted to change game, Mk was gonna ask him about it but...

Macaque- *scoff* What? Don't tell me the oh so Great sage equal to heaven is scared of a little game?- Macaque say sarcaticly. 

Wukong- W-why ofcourse not! It just that what if the question or dare is setimental to the other?- Wukong say nerviously. 

Macaque- Sound to me like your hiding something.

Wukong- Whatever. Ok fine let play that game.

Mei cheers while Mk is thinking < What is Monkie king hiding form us?> 

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They played a few rounds and it Mk's turn again. 

Mk- Hey, Monkie king truth or dare?

Wukong- Ummmm...... dare i guess? 

Mk- Eh? um.... <Oh! that the perfect moment to ask him my question!> I dare you to shown or tell us what your hiding! 

Wukong was taken back he didn't know what to do, he was really shock so was everyone else but it quickily give place to curiosity, every body was staring at Wukong. 

Wukong- *sigh* Well i guess i should have see that one coming..... Well i can shown you but please don't jugge me okay? 

They all nodded and Wukong sigh again < Okay here goes nothing, it gonna be ok just breath in and out>. There was a flash of light, they all blink and was very suprise siting there was Monkie king but he had very long curly hair go till his ankles a smalle waist he also seen shorter his eyes were now goden blue, soft pink lips, and most of all he had boobs big ones. 

Wukong looked around waiting for someone to speak but nothing came until Mei sudenly  speak.

Mei- OMG!! Your so cute! So you were hiding the fact that you are a girl? Why?- Mei say with a big smille and a questionig look.

Wukong- Oh.. umm...... well i didn't know if you guys were going to apset me so.. uh.... i hide it but like in the past woman didn't have that much power or freedom so i hide the fact that i'm one- S\he really nervous tone. They all nodd in indesternig then they start to play again not posing more question, but Macaque mind was not in the game he had his eyes on Wukong the wold night checking her out. <Umm....maybe i could try courting him now since he's a girl....maybe i have a chance> he thought.

Maybe we will see. 


Hey my darlins sorry for not the long wait but i'm back and there will be another chapter out today or twommorow. 


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