Chapter 1: Nina on the Street

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I reluctantly walked out the door of the orphanage I lived in basically my whole life. The orphanage keeps people until they turn 18, which I did today. At least I don't have to worry about finishing school like most people my age are doing right now while homeless. I can't go to human school because I'm not fully human; I'm half cat. Well, half cat mentally. Physically, I'm mostly human with some cat parts, those being my ears, my tail, my whiskers, and my purr box. I can't relieve myself like humans do, I used a litter box in the orphanage. I'm sorry, I should probably introduce first.

I'm Nina, a small 4'9 girl with pink hair and pink eyes. And like I said before, I'm a cat girl somehow. What the people at the orphanage always told me is that the doctors' theory somehow my parents' cat's fur somehow got into the stuff that's used to make babies, and then when I was made, the cat's DNA got entangled, causing me to be part cat. I struggle with tasks that are simple for humans because of the cat half of my brain causing me to be easily distracted. Hey, a mouse! Get over here!

H-huh? Not only did the mouse get away, but now there are these big guys standing in front of me. "What are you doing? Trying to cosplay some stupid anime?", one guy said. The other guy is running towards me! W-what do I do? *slam!* "Whatever, we got better things to do than waste time getting rid of some dumb weeb girl.", the assaulter said, walking out of the alley with his cohort. I, I need to find somewhere to hide. I'm crawling with what little energy I have left, blood is dripping from my forehead. A box! Yes, I reached it! It's over me now, hiding me from anyone else. Thank goodness. I just- I just...


Ugh, what happened to me? My body feels weak. I have to pee, but I don't have a litter box anywhere. Guess I need to find somewhere to go. With the box and my bunny in tow, I gotta explore this city and find somewhere I can go pee. Nobody else is around, guess they're all working. It's lighter out, guess it's afternoon. Hey, this alley has a litter box! It's small, obviously made for full-on cats, but it's better than nothing. *pssss* That's better. I'm gonna sit here for a while. *step step*  Is-is that footsteps? The door next to me is opening! Who's coming for me now?

"What cat's using the old litter box now?", a woman says. She turned her head and is now looking at me! I look down, trying to avoid making eye contact out of fear. "What's this thing?" Oh god, she's right next to me now! She's lifting my face, oh no! Don't look! "Oh my goodness, what are you? You're like a human, but also with cat parts. Oh dear, your forehead! It has dried blood!". The woman grabbed me and is taking me inside! At least I'll have shelter momentarily. Protect me bunny!

I'm on a couch. "Stay there and I'll get a bandage for your wound, okay?", the woman said as she left to her bathroom. She returns quickly with a cloth bandage that she wraps around my forehead. "Can you speak, small girl?", she asked me. "Y-yeah.", I say, nervous in front of this stranger. "So you are at least part human. Who are you, kitty?", she asks. "I-I'm Nina.", I answer her. "Nina, huh. Why did you use my old cat's litter box?", she asks me. "I'm part cat. I can only go to the bathroom like a cat.", I replied nervous how she's gonna reply. "Where'd you get that wound from?", she asks. "T-two thugs punched me and called me a weeb, whatever that means.", I answered. "Oh honey!", the woman says. Now she's hugging me! I-I love this. "I have one last question for you Nina. Why were you on the street?", the woman asked. "I turned 18 today, so the orphanage kicked me out.", I say, subconsciously kneading the woman's leg in fear. "You're kneading like a cat too, dear. Do you, wanna live with me, kitty?", she asks.

I sit there for a moment, in shock. This stranger is willing to let an abomination like me live with her. I have nowhere to go, I have to take her up on her offer. "Yes please!", I exclaim, hugging the woman. She pets me and I start purring. "Aw, you can even purr!", she says. I can feel her moving my hair aside on the side of my head. After a little bit of that, she says, "So you don't have human ears, only cat ears. Yeah, you're somehow really a cat girl.". "Yes, I am", I reply quietly. "Oh, I never introduced myself to you either. My name is Monica. I'm a 21 year old woman who doesn't work due to not needing to. I inherited a large amount of money due to... a reason. I'm a lesbian, and I've been lonely for years.

"Lesbian?", I ask, confused by that word. "Oh, you don't know what that means. It means I like girls.", Monica explains. "Oh, okay.", I answer, not fully understanding what she mean by "like". "Oh, why are you so lonely?", I ask Monica. "My parents died in a car accident when I was 10. Me, being their only child, inherited their massive wealth and mansion. But when I turned 18, I didn't want to live in such a large house by myself, so I sold it. Now, I have all the money I could ever want but nothing/ nobody to spend it on. That was, until now. Now I can spoil you and give you the life you've always deserved, Nina.", Monica replies. "You wanna spoil me?", I ask Monica, making sure she wanted to do so much for me. "Of course! You're just the cutest little thing!", she says, petting me, causing me to purr more.

"How are you gonna treat me, Monica? I slept in a cage my whole life in the nursery.", I ask Monica, not wanted to sleep in a cage anymore. "You did?!", Monica asks, gasping. "Yeah. I ate out of food bowls too. The orphanage treated me more like a pet than a person.", I explain. "Oh, sweetie!", Monica says as she hugs me. "The eating out of bowls thing is my fault though. I can't hold things very well due to having the coordination of a cat.", I explain to Monica. "So your hands are basically useless.", Monica says. "Pretty much. The only thing I can seem to hold is Bunny.", I say, showing Bunny to Monica. "Aw, you have a stuffed friend!", Monica says, finding Nina's stuffed animal cute. "I'll show you around the house and to what will now be your room, okay kitty?", Monica asks me. I nod, eager to find see my own personal room.

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