Chapter 4: Maid Nina

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I wake up early the following morning, having slept the best I ever have in my life. I walk out to the kitchen and Monica is there making breakfast. "Good morning kitty!", she says to me as she continues cooking. "Sit down sweetie, breakfast will be ready soon.", she continues. I do as I'm told and sit in the same seat I did for dinner last night. After a few minutes, the food is ready and Monica places my plate in front of me. She feeds me like she did last night and I love the food she made once again. "Thank you Monica!", I say to her. "Kitty, you don't need to thank me every time I feed you. It's my job now.", she replies. I simply nod in response.

"Okay kitty, it's time to get dressed!", she says, carrying me to my room. She sits me on my bed and asks, "What do you wanna wear today?". "Maid dress!", I reply excitedly. "Okay sweetie!", Monica says, getting out my maid dress and headdress. She removes my pajamas, changes my diaper, and puts me in the super cute black maid dress and headdress. "How do I look Monica?", I ask in anticipation. "You look adorable kitty!", she says. "Yay!", I exclaim, hugging Monica. "You can't exactly do chores like a maid with your clumsy little paws, but you were right when saying that maid dresses are cute!", she remarks.

"Didn't you say that you have a maid dress?", I ask her. "I do! Do you want me to wear mine too today?", she asks me. "Yeah! Let's both match!", I exclaim excitedly. She nods and goes into her room to get changed. When she returns to my room, she looks so cute! "You look adorable too, Monica!", I tell her, causing her to blush. Her maid dress has a slightly different design than mine does, hers looking less like an actual maid's dress. "Mine's a cosplay, so it's not as accurate to a real maid's dress as yours.", she explains. "It's even cuter than mine!", I tell her. "Well yeah. It's a cosplay of an outfit from an anime. Anime outfits are designed to look cute, not be practical.", she explains to me. "So, what are we gonna do today?", I ask her. "I have to do some cleaning and chores around the house, so why don't you just relax and watch tv? I don't want you to do anything that'll require me to look after you while I'm doing chores.", she suggests. I nod and grab the pacifier I used last night and sit on the couch. I turn on the tv and watch Doc McStuffin's, it's my favorite show! Monica grabs a duster and starts her cleaning by dusting.

Wearing her maid dress and dusting, Monica really looks like a real maid. And with her tall height, she can reach high up places while dusting that I couldn't even come close to. I decide to stop watching her and put my paci in my mouth and focus on my show. After a few minutes of sucking on my pacifier and watching my show, I feel my mind blank out kind of. I'm still partially there, but I'm acting more childish. I'm hugging Bunny tight and focused intently on Doc McStuffins. The couch and everything else around me feels... bigger, in a weird way. This state lasts for a few hours, and I find myself too enamored by the show and my paci to do anything else. 

Once I snap out of that and fully back to reality, I find myself curled up on Monica's lap and purring. "When did 'oo get thewe Monica?", I say, my speech impaired by the pacifier in my mouth. "I've been here for an hour since I stopped cleaning, baby girl.", she replies. I, for some reason, blush upon being called "baby girl". I oddly like being called that. It's fitting for me, I feel more like a baby than most people my age should. I've always been very childish, babyish even. But, what does that mean? "Kitten, you seem anxious right now. What's going on?", Monica asks me. I tell her about these thoughts I'm having, and she thinks for a moment, then says, "Nina, was this the first time you felt that?". I shake my head. I've been in that odd state multiple times in the past. Then she speaks up and tells me, "Kitten, I think you may be an age regressing."

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