Chapter 3: Happy Kitty, Sleepy Kitty

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After watching tv for a bit, Monica says that it's dinner time. With my hands in these paw mittens though, they're even more useless than normal. How am I gonna eat? "Okay kitty, come sit at the table. Dinner will be ready soon.", Monica says. I obey and sit in the chair that Monica put a cushion on for me. "How am I gonna eat with these paws Monica?", I ask her. "I'm gonna feed you from now on kitty. Even if you didn't have the mittens on, you're too clumsy to hold utensils.", she explains. I blush, knowing she's right.

After a couple minutes, dinner is ready. Monica puts my plate in front of me and her plate next to mine. She then proceeds to feed me my dinner piece by piece. It's the best food I've ever had by far! After I'm done, I tell her, "Thank you so much! That was amazing!", to which she responds, "It's not anything special kitty. Anything is better than orphanage food.". She's right, the food I got in the orphanage was bland and dry. She then ate her dinner and changed into her pajamas. "Nina, let's cuddle on the couch again for a few hours until bedtime.", Monica suggests. I nod and go to the couch, grabbing Bunny in my arms and curling up on Monica's lap. She pets me and I start purring, very content and tired. 

"I got something else at the store sweetie, and I wanna know if you'd wanna use it. I got it in case you had trouble relaxing.", Monica tells me. "What is it?", I ask her. She reaches into her pocket and grabs a pink pacifier. How did she know that I used pacifiers in the orphanage to keep my mouth busy? "Yes!", I exclaim to her, happy to see a comfort item of mine. She plops the pacifier in my mouth and I start purring louder. I feel a dull pain in my bladder, I have to pee. I'm so comfy though, and I can't exactly remove my pacifier so I can tell her that I need to pee. I'm diapered anyway, so I'll just go here. Much better now! "Kitty, did you just wet your diaper?", Monica asks me. I nod and blush in embarrassment. "Oh, you couldn't tell me you had to go with the pacifier in your mouth.", she says. "Keep it in pease!", I say with the pacifier still in my mouth. "Oh, alright. But I do need to change you now.", she says, picking me up and carrying me into my dresser turned changing table. She lays me down and removes my pants and used diaper. She then wipes me clean and puts baby powder on my privates, and diapers me up in a new diaper and lastly puts my pants back on. The entire time during the change I have been sucking on my pacifier happily. She hears me yawn and says, "You know what? You're probably really tired after today. Why don't you go to bed early and get a lot of sleep?", she suggests. I nod in agreement and she lays me in bed with Bunny and kisses my forehead, saying, "Good night kitty. Sweet dreams!", before turning off the light and closing my door. I cuddle Bunny and fall asleep quickly.

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