Chapter 5: Little Nina

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"Age regressing?", I ask, confused. "Age regression is a coping mechanism people use to deal with stress and anxiety. It basically causes you to mentally regress to the mind of a child. It feels like dissociation kind of.", Monica explains to me. "That does seem to fit what I experience.", I tell her. "And how did being little make you feel, kitten?", she asks me. "I liked it. I had trouble understanding anything that was going on around me, but it felt comforting and safe.", I explain. "Do you want to live as a little 24/7? I don't wanna push you to do something you're not comfortable with yet.", Monica asks me. I think about it for a moment, then say, "I'll try it. If anything makes me feel uncomfortable, I wanna go back to how I am now though.". "That's perfectly fine sweetheart.", Monica tells me. 

"I didn't get you any age regression clothes at the store yesterday besides the footie pajamas you picked out though.", she explains to me. "Can I please wear those today then? I like warm and comfy clothes.", I ask Monica. "Of course kitten!", she says, picking me up and carrying me to my room to change my clothes. After changing my diaper that I messed while I was little, Monica went to my closet and allowed me to pick out what footie pajamas I wanted to wear. When I looked at them though, I saw that they were a bit different than when I picked them out in the store yesterday. "They look different.", I remark. "I took them to the tailor yesterday after you went to bed early and had the tailor add room for your tail so you could be comfy and keep your tail in the footie pajamas.", she explains. I was so happy! I hug Monica and pick out pink footie pajamas with white cats on them and even cats on the feet! She gently removes my maid outfit and puts the footie pajamas on me. They fit perfectly and there's a hole in the back for my tail to go into. My tail slides in perfectly and is kept nice and warm by the fleece. Normally my tail is sensitive to being touched, but the fleece seems to keep the nerves on my tail calm.

"You look so cute, baby girl!", Monica says, hugging me. I blush again, really loving being called "baby girl". "Why don't I style your hair nice and cute too?", she suggests. I smile at that and she puts the pacifier back in my mouth, causing me to start suckling immediately. She sits me down in front of a mirror and ties my hair into adorable pigtails! She keeps them tied with cute pink bows that barely don't touch my ears. I hug Monica tight. "Wuv 'oo mommy!", I say with the pacifier in my mouth. Monica looks at me with a surprised look until I realize what happened. I just called her mommy. I don't even feel little right now either. Something in me just wants me to call Monica "mommy". Oddly, it feels right. I-I see Monica like a parent to me. "Pease don' be mad at me.", I tell her through my paci. "Kitten, I'm not mad at all! I'm just surprised you already feel that close to me when we only met yesterday.", she explains to me. 

"Since you're not wearing your maid outfit anymore, do you want me to change into something else as well?", she asks me. "Mommy comfy 'jamas too!", I tell her. "I don't have my own footie pajamas sadly.", she says with an obvious look of guilt on her face. "Yes 'oo do, me know 'oo wying!", I say through my paci. She blushes and sighs, saying, "Fine, I'll wear my footie pajamas too.", in a defeated tone. Mommy goes into her room and comes back blushing and wearing light blue footie pajamas with Cinderella on them. "Aw, they're so cute mommy!", I say, hugging her. It is a sight to behold: a 6'3 woman with black hair and a usually confident attitude wearing Cinderella footie pajamas that look like they were made for a baby. "T-thanks Nina. I've always liked Cinderella since I was little.", mommy says. "'oo wike Disney pwincesses?", I ask her. "Yes, I do. I've always loved both Disney princesses and footie pajamas, no matter how old I got.", she explains. "Probably because I have memories involving both and my parents, so maybe I still like them because they remind me of them in some way.", she says with tears in her eyes. I hug mommy to console her. She stops crying and says, "Sorry about that kitten. It happens every time I wear footie pajamas. I think about that being the reason I still like these childish things every time I wear footie pajamas.", hugging me after she's done talking. "It otay to wike those things mommy, me do too.", I tell her. "You're right baby girl. Let mommy go make lunch and we can talk about Disney princesses while I cook, okay?", mommy asks. I nod excitedly and mommy takes me out to the kitchen.

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