Story 34 - Parents

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Sebbi's point of view (summer between 4th and 5th grade):

"Hey guys, would it actually be okay for you if I brought my girlfriend home one day?" was the first thing I asked when I got home on the afternoon of the last day of school. Runa and I were alone in Hogsmeade for a while, as I didn't want to go home until everyone was there.

My parents looked at each other irritated, "Sure, why not?" Dad asked looking as irritated as he did. "She's an interesting girl, you'll like her," Dad said, smiling at the other two.

"It's a good thing you said yes, otherwise this would be a little embarrassing right now," I laughed, putting my bags down, and heading back outside. I took Runa's hand, and together we walked into the house.

"Hello Weasley-Sallow family, hello professor. I'm Runa Solheim.", Runa said shyly, blushing, and with her, her previously purple hair.

"Here I'm just Garreth. Hello Runa, it's nice of you to come and visit us." said Papa, giving her a friendly nod. "I'm Sebastian. Nice to meet you." "And I'm Caelie, nice to meet you too."

Runa looked at me and grinned widely, "You were right, you do look like your dad." "Well, it's not just the Weasley genes that are strong." Dad laughed and indicated for us to sit down.

"Um, can she sleep here?", I asked a little shyly, "I'd sleep on the sofa too if she wants or should sleep alone." "Why shouldn't she sleep here?" "I don't know," I said quietly.

"Besides, you're not alone here, after all," Mum interjected. "Who else is there?", I asked.

Suddenly Dad stood up and whistled loud. A short time later I heard an unexpected large number of people coming down the stairs.

First Fiona, the twins and Tina, then Sammy and Tessy and finally Eddie and Venia, who both looked a bit dishevelled.

Runa's eyes snapped open. Neither of us had expected so many people.

Fiona ran up to me and hugged me before looking at Runa. "You're pretty! I'm Fiona, Sebbi's sister," she said and hugged Runa. She in turn looked quite overwhelmed. "This is my girlfriend Runa.", I said proudly and squeezed her hand a little tighter, which seemed to reassure her.

"Runa, the two girls who look like each other are my cousins, and you already know Tina," I said, smiling at her a little encouragingly. She still looked tense.

"Who wants homemade lemon ice cream?" asked Dad, walking down to the basement.

Runa looked like she was about to jump up to grab an ice cream, but again she stopped herself. "It's all good, Dad's handing out to everyone. No one could ever say no to his ice cream," I laughed a little.

Runa's hair colour turned a bright yellow. "You're a metamorphmagus, Garreth told us. How is that? Do you notice it when you transform? Or do you have to actively trigger it?" asked Dad after giving us all a helping of ice cream.

"I got into the habit of changing to match my mood when I was a kid and these days, unfortunately, I find it hard to suppress. And I don't always notice it." she replied, her hair blushing again.

"Huh, that's so cool! What else can you transform into?" asked Senara in amazement.

Runa looked at Senara, stood up, and transformed. "Now we're triplets," she said, giggling. After the smaller ones wanted to see Runa in pretty much every possible shape, Mum interrupted them, "It's enough now. Leave the poor girl in peace again," she said laughing.

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