Part Two: Spring

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Chapter Sixteen

It had been a long, but surprisingly fun winter since Blake had left. Blake had fresh cut flowers sent to Hanna the day after he had returned home to San Francisco and again every two weeks after that.

He told her it was to make sure she didn't forget him and also so that when the flowers started dying, she had new fresh ones to replace them with. They had spent so many nights facetiming and much of the days texting; unless he was in court of course. Even then though, he was sure to send her a text during each break they had.

Sitting in her apartment on a Wednesday night, drinking a glass of wine, Hanna was remembering her time with Blake when he was there. As she heard her phone chime, it brought her back to the current and she read her

Text from Blake:

Ok, What's your favorite color?

Text from Hanna:

Pink, why do you ask?

Text from Blake:

Just trying to get to know you more, what's your favorite animal?

Text from Hanna:


Text from Blake:

Not what I would expect, but I like it.

Text from Hanna:

I have no reason, I've just always loved them.

Text from Blake:

Favorite Scent?

Text from Hanna:

Anything warm and "homey" like apple pie, sugar cookie, cinnamon. Don't like the "clean" smells like fresh linen. Yuck.

Text from Blake:

My kinda girl. I'll call you in a bit. XOXO

Hanna hadn't told Blake because she wanted it to be a surprise but she'd been planning on surprising him in San Francisco since he'd left. One night last week he had told her he had a big trial on Thursday and then he had Friday, Saturday and Sunday off work before having to be back in the office on Monday.

She planned to fly out tomorrow morning and surprise him at his apartment tomorrow night and fly back home Monday morning. Since he would be in court all day tomorrow he wouldn't have much time to text Hanna so she would have no reason to reply to him therefore not making him suspicious.

She had all of her bags packed including her carry-on bag that had her black negligee so that she could change before she got to his apartment. She also was going to carry on the plane, her long, tan overcoat so she had something to put on over her negligee.

She heard her phone ring and when she looked at it, she happily answered Blake's call. "Hi." Hanna said when she answered; "Hello" Blake replied in his deep, sexy voice. "How was your day?" Hanna asked. "Well, I put a drug dealer away for twenty years and I had a four hour long celebratory meeting after that so I guess that's a good day for an attorney."

"Twenty Years? Wow. I can't even imagine." Hanna said, swirling her wine in the bottom of her glass. "Yes, ma'am. Enough about me though, how was your day?" Blake replied. Taking a big drink from her glass, Hanna answered, "Well I served about one-hundred and fifty pastries and seven hundred or so cups of coffee so I'm tired but this glass of wine I'm enjoying is seeming to make me feel better."

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