Part Three: Summer

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Chapter Twenty-Six

It had been an incredibly long flight from Kansas to Ireland that when Blake and Hanna had arrived in Ireland they had taken a taxi from their airport to their castle and they had crashed from jet lag. When they woke up the next morning and ordered room service for breakfast. When breakfast arrived, they sat in their pajamas enjoying their food and discussing their activities for the day.

Hanna said: "Oh, look at this brochure. We can take a guided coach tour around Ireland. It says "Our coach tours allow you to be part of a group with your driver to tour throughout Ireland. A great way to discover Ireland! Not only will you see Ireland's main attractions but you will discover Ireland's hidden gems."

Blake nodded and replied, "Sounds Fun. Maybe on the tour we'll find other things to do this week too." Blake picked up his phone and made the call to Coach Tours of Ireland to make their reservation for two. Once they were both dressed, they took a Taxi to their Coach Tour and boarded their bus.

As their tour bus driver drove around the city, Hanna took pictures of everything. It was much more beautiful than she expected it to be and she knew pictures wouldn't do it justice but she had to take them anyways, for herself.

One of the hidden gems in Ireland was the N67, Co. Galway which was an absolutely beautiful view or Ireland. Close up, the grass was as green as green could be, you could see houses and rivers and in the distance you could see the rolling mountains of Ireland.

Kilmacduagh Monastery, Co. Galway was a sight Hanna would never forget. It was a roofless church that had a cemetery surrounding it and as odd and creepy as it sounded, it was Hanna's favorite part of the tour.

The tour was an all day tour that stopped for lunch at The Unicorn Restaurant for lunch. Arriving at the restaurant, the tour guide said: "Now we have a lot here in Ireland but we don't have unicorns but we do have a Unicorn Restaurant. This restaurant has been here since 1938 and has been honored to welcome stars such as Liam Neeson, Lionel Richie, John McKinley, and many more. The Unicorn Restaurant is the place to go for many stars when they visit Ireland. Enjoy your lunch and maybe you'll get lucky enough to spot a star while you're there. We'll all meet back on the bus in one hour."

As they got off the bus and entered the restaurant, everyone was greeted by a man named Frank. He was an older gentleman who wore a long blue coat and a short black top hat. He appeared to be the person to see at the restaurant so everyone, including Blake and Hanna, took their pictures with him.

Blake and Hanna both ordered the "Unicorn" House White Wine to drink. When their waiter arrived with their drinks, Hanna decided on the Penne Salmone while Blake ordered the Gnocchetti al Ragu which was pasta and irish lamb topped with parmesan cheese.

Taking a drink of her white wine, Hanna said: "I wonder if we can take any of this Unicorn Wine home with us, it's so good!" Following her comment, Blake took a drink of his wine and nodded his head saying: "I'd leave all of my clothes behind if I could fill my suitcase with bottles of this stuff."

They both laughed and enjoyed their wine and when their food arrived they both ordered another glass of wine. Blake took a bite of his lamb and then offered a bite to Hanna who surprising herself, enjoyed it too. Hanna said: "You know, I don't think lamb has ever been an animal I just wanted to eat but it's actually really good!"

After their hour lunch was over they boarded the bus again. They were taken to a couple more hidden gems and driven around the beautiful, green country, before their bus arrived back at their building. They got in one of the many cabs that were waiting for them and headed back to their castle.

Walking into their suite, Hanna was able to take in the whole room more than she was able to the night before thanks to the jet lag she experienced. The walls had floral wallpaper, there was a seating area on the far side of the room that had a table with two wine glasses, a bottle of wine on ice sitting on it. Around the table, there were three chairs and closest to her was a bed that she'd swore a princess had slept in.

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