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How had it already been 2 years since we welcomed our son, Liam, into our family Hanna thought. She sat in her lay out chair, facing the lake, sipping lemonade, watching her very handsome husband and their son that looked just like his daddy, toss a ball back and forth. In the very spot Blake and Hanna said "I Do."

The ball went past Liam so he took off after it and just as he reached for the ball, Blake scooped him up in his arms and tossed him in the air. The sounds of Liam laughing made Hanna beam with pride. Blake and Liam were the two missing puzzle pieces that Hanna needed in her life.

If possible, watching Blake become a husband and a father made Hanna love him even more than she thought she did before. He was nurturing, caring, and so damn sexy.

Hanna hollered: "Ok boys, the sun is going down, it's time to go in and eat dinner." Liam ran up to Hanna, wrapped his little arms around her neck and then they walked hand in hand up the stairs and around their pool, back into their home.

After dinner, Liam said "Mommy, read me a story, please?" Looking at Blake, he said: "Go ahead, I'll clean this up." Hanna looked at her son and said "Ok, let's go little monster." She followed his little pitter patters upstairs to his room and he picked out a book that they had read many times before, The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

Liam liked when Hanna read this book because she was very exasperated with her tones and Liam laughed the entire time. When they were finished, Hanna tucked him into bed, kissed his head and clicked his lamp off.

Just before Hanna closed the door she heard Liam say "I love you Mommy, Good Night." With tears in her eyes, she replied "I love you too Monkey, Good Night."

Hanna walked down the hall to her bedroom where Blake had run her a candle lit bubble bath. As she rounded the corner surprised, Blake said "I thought momma could use some relaxing time." He held her face in his hands and kissed her before closing the bathroom door behind him.

Hanna lowered herself in her bath and couldn't help but think how right Blake was. She really did need this, more than she knew.


Just as Blake closed the bathroom door behind him, he heard little feet coming down the hallway. He met little man at the door who said "Daddy, I think I need you to check for monsters in my closet again." Blake laughed, picked up Liam and said "Alright, let's check it out buddy."

Blake tucked Liam back in bed, opened the closet door and said "Not one single monster in here. Hang on, let me check under the bed too." Blake got down on his hands and knees, looked under the bed and said "Nope, none under here either. You are all set, little guy."

Liam snuggled into his bed and as he closed his eyes he said "Goodnight Daddy." Blake carefully closed the door behind him as Liam was sound asleep before the door was even closed.

Blake made his way back down the hall, to his bedroom and laid on his bed. He thought back to his life just a few years ago, in San Francisco. Lonely, bored, unfulfilled. Now, he had the most beautiful wife, an amazing son and they shared this home.

It was then that he realized, it didn't matter if he had all the money in the world, he would give all of it up just to have this family. His family, that he built with Hanna.

Just then, the bathroom door opened and he watched Hanna walk out of the bathroom in her pajamas and hair wrapped up in a towel. As she climbed in bed, she said "that was exactly what I needed, thank you" and she kissed his lips.

Blake kissed her back and just as Hanna layed down, her back towards him, he wrapped his arm around her and placed his hand on her belly. Any day now, they would be adding a little girl to their family. It had been a long few months but with Hanna's due date approaching, Blake couldn't wait to meet his daughter.

His only wish was that she was just like her mother. 

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