Chapter 2: Kitty

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Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel or its characters, if I did then ShadowSpider forever.

Chapter 2 is now up and running, hope you all enjoy it.

Chapter 2: Kitty

Kitty Pryde, now known as Kate was standing in front of the Central Park Krakoan gate waiting for her date. Honestly, she'd rather be back at Krakoa either drinking a beer or go out to one of the clubs. Instead, though she's here waiting for her date to show up. How did she get into this mess in the first place?

One week ago

Kate wearing her red queen outfit was walking through the Marauder on the lookout for Ororo, who called her and asked her to meet up on the ship. Said that there is something that she wanted to talk to her about. What Ororo wanted to talk about, Kate wasn't sure but the tone in her voice told her that it was something serious and so she left in search of her friend. She yawned feeling tired, she didn't have much sleep last night, ever since her resurrection she's been having nightmares of her death. Her drowning, she can still feel the vines wrapped around her, not allowing her to phase, being submerged under water, trying to hold her breath for as long as she could until finally, she couldn't hold it anymore. She can feel the water enter her body, filling her lungs up, cutting off her air supply, she can feel her strength leaving her, her life leaving her, until finally she breathed her last breath, and everything turned black.

Feeling a panic attack coming on Kate stops and leans on the wall, 'Not here, not now,' she thinks, not when she's on her way to meet Ororo, this may be something important and she needs her A-game, she can do this when she's alone, but not now. Closing her eyes, Kate remembers her ninja training and takes deep calming breaths. It takes her about ten minutes until she's finally able to calm herself down and regain her composure. After that Kate gets off the wall and continues walking, after this she really needs to get a drink, maybe a beer or whisky, something to make her forget this. Finally, Kate found Ororo standing in the hallway. That's odd, why was she in the hallway? Thinking nothing of it, Kate headed towards her friend, "Ororo," Kate said as she approached.

Ororo turned to Kate and smiled at seeing her friend, she then frowned a bit at Kate's face, she could see bags under her eyes, Storm knew that was a sign that Kate didn't get any sleep last night. She could also see a little sweat on her face meaning that she may have had a panic attack. That worried her, Kate has been trying her best to hide her condition from her friends, but those closest to her know the signs of when she's in a bad place and Storm knows that Kate is in a very bad place. Hopefully, this will help her even a little bit. Storm quickly smiled again, "Kate, I'm glad you came," Storm said as she and Kate hugged each other.

"Of course, you said it was important," Kate said as they broke the hug, "So what is it?"

"Come inside and we'll talk there," Storm offered as she opened the door.

Shrugging her shoulders, Kate entered the room, when she entered the room Kate became shocked at what she saw, the room itself was lavish, it had a beige carpet, in the middle of the room was a nice red couch with a glass coffee table with an open laptop in front of it, there are two chairs, one chair on the other side of the coffee table opposite of the couch while the other chair was to the coffee table's right facing the door.

It wasn't the room itself that surprised Kate though, it was the occupants of the room which consisted of Logan, Bobby, Rachel, Illyana, and Kurt. Kate heard Ororo close the door behind them, and she isn't sure if it was her imagination, but she thinks that she may have heard the door lock.

"Guys? What's going on? What are you all doing on the Marauder," Kate asked, wondering what the hell was going on.

"Sit down pum'kin, we have a lot to talk about," Logan said

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