Chapter 4: The End of the Date

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Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel of it's characters if I did then Peter Parker and Kitty Pryde would be together in every universe.

Well, I finished the final Chapter of my ShadowSpider Prime story. This is the first installation of other stories for this series. I hope that you all enjoy it. Also, I decided that I'm gonna make Peter 29 however he had only turned 29 a few months back in this fanfiction, Kitty will have just turned 24 in September. I don't know if Marvel ever revealed Kitty's birthday, so I'm making it up. When I think about it, I'm not the most concerned about their ages, because I hope to write in Wells run, so anyone who is reading that run, you know what that means. Though there will be some changes though. I'm certainly not gonna do to Peter and Kitty, what Marvel did to Peter and MJ. Even though I'm not sorry for what happened, seriously Peter doesn't need to be with MJ to have a happy ending, he can be with other women who can make him happy, if not happier, like a certain woman who can never stick with one style when it comes to costumes. In her former boyfriend's words, 'Lady, you can't dress yourself.'

I'm not sure if the timeline is correct but I got from MAB86 story that Knull happened somewhere around Christmas. The guy is a lot more knowledgeable than me when it comes to comics, so I'm making it that it is somewhere around December in this fic. I am planning on reading the King in Black story, hope it's good. I really have some catching up to do when it comes to comics. If King in Black shows that it is a different month, then I'll go back and change things. Hey, I've done it before, why can't I do it again? Also, if anyone has any ideas for a chapter in my next fanfiction, feel free the PM me, and I'll put them into consideration. Some help is always appreciated.

Anyway, be sure to review, and enjoy the final chapter of the fanfic.

Central Park

Peter and Kate were walking through Central Park continuing their conversation, "I still can't believe that you hate Star Wars" Kate said

"Well believe it, I can't stand it," Peter said

"But, how? Just how can you hate it? The majority of your quotes comes from Star Wars," Kate said

"I just think that Star Wars is overdone and unrealistic," Peter said

"Overdone? Unrealistic," Kate said incredulously, "First off Star Wars is not overdone, they still have a lot more years in them, and a ton of potential for future stories. I mean they sell comic books that shows Anakin Skywalker's training when he was training in the jedi temple, heck they have a comic book series dedicated to Darth Vader" Kate said

Peter snorted, "Well someone's a comic fan," Peter said

Kate blushed a bit, "I dabble in comics when I have the time, it all depends, if the story interests me. But anyways not the point, not only do they have comics, but novelizations as well. Star Wars still has many years of stories left," Kate said

"It's still unrealistic," Peter said

"It is realistic," Kate said

"It is so not," Peter said

"I lived in space for eight months, I was part of a space-based team, and I was engaged to their leader. If anyone knows whether or not Star Wars is realistic, it's me, and I say, is" Kate said

"I've been to space to, and I say not, and I can give you a reason on why Star Wars isn't as great as it seems, multiple reasons actually" Peter said

"Oh yeah, what's that," Kate asked

"Well first off, the Force is dumb, ridiculous, and utter nonsense," Peter said

"The Force is not ridiculous," Kate said

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