Chapter 5: "Undercover Rookie Doubts"

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Hi Everyone; thank you for your comments on my story, and I'm trying to be consistent in my writing. Thank you for all your support.

"I can't believe we are playing step-cousins," I said as I went to our new high school with Tom the next day.

"Especially step-cousins who are in a romantic relationship," Tom added as he turned to the right corner.

"Is that even legal in this state?" I asked as I made a face.

"Well, considering that step-cousins aren't biologically related and according to this state's legislation, it isn't illegal," Tom said.

"You know, back in Jersey, where my dad's family was originally from, a parent can actually date their child."

"What!" Tom exclaimed. "That's disgusting!"

"I agree a million percent," I said as I tried to think of something friendly and happy in an attempt to forget what I had just said.

"Rebecca, you can't go higher than a hundred," Tom chuckled.

"Tell that to inflation," I deadpanned as I reached out to eat my cherry danish.

"Where did you get that from?" Tom asked.

"My purse? Is there a problem?"

Tom cleared his throat and said, "Can you please eat that after you get out of the car?"

"What?" I asked as I slowly turned my head in confusion and annoyance.

"It's just that this car is very special to me."

"In what way?" I asked as I tried not to get offended.

"It was my dad's, and it's one of the last things that I have to remind me of him."

I slowly understood why he was being protective of the car, given his use of the past tense and how it was one of the last things he had of his father.

"You know what? I'm not that hungry," I said as I put the danish back in my bag. "I'll just save it for later."

Tom gave me a small smile as he drove.

"What has your family said about your new look?" Tom asked

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"What has your family said about your new look?" Tom asked.

"They  haven't seen it yet, I can only imagine what Solomon and Josh are gonna  say and their upcoming argument as I succumb to the powers of  rock-n-roll. So, I decided to avoid them as much as possible. But I have a huge problem."

"What's that?"

"Today is the Friday, aka the day of our weekly Shabbat dinner, and I know that I can't avoid that."


"The Jewish Sabbath, a day of rest, that starts on Friday nights and ends on Saturday night."

The Rookie & Tom Hanson: A "21 Jump Street" StoryWhere stories live. Discover now