Chapter 10: Finally Meeting Max

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"He actually said that to you?" Tom asked as he raised his voice in anger.


"I hate that guy," Tom said as he slapped his steering wheel.

"Tom, calm down," I said as I tried to get him in a better mood before school.

"How can I calm down knowing that we are working with someone with a history of racist behaviors?"

"Wait?" I asked. "He does?"

"Yes, in our first case together, we were supposed to get a group of neo-white supremacists, and, let's just say Booker took what they were saying closer to heart than he should have. He even talked like that out of the classroom so much that I was sure he had raped a Black girl because of it."

"Did he?" I asked, slightly fearing for my safety.

"No, it turns out that some girls had beaten her up to a pulp because she had slept with one of their boyfriends."

"Well, I'm glad that Booker didn't do it because it means I don't have to worry about him doing anything like that to me or another girl. But, still, those girls did that horrible thing to one of their peers? Shouldn't they have blamed the boyfriend as well? Not that I want anyone to be beaten up like that. But he had as much fault as the other girl, maybe even more, because he was in a committed relationship."

"Yeah, good point," he said as he entered the high school's parking lot. "But now I know not to let you out of my sight when Booker is near."

"Thanks, Tom. But how will I ever hold my ground as a police officer if I have to have another police officer babysitting me?"

"You'll tell them that I'm actually holding you back from unleashing your full fury."

I started laughing, and Tom joined in, too.

"Full fury?" I questioned as I struggled to catch my breath. "I have never lost my temper like that before."

"Well, Booker doesn't know that," Tom said as he chuckled. "Plus, I'll pay good money to see him run for the hills."

I unbuckled my seatbelt, and right as I was going to open the door, Tom had opened it for me.

"How did you move so fast?" I asked in awe.

"I'm moonlighting as The Flash," he joked.

"I did wonder why I saw a streak of red earlier."


We made it to class before Mr. Sanchez had entered the room, giving us a better scope of the other students. I also had Tom put his hand over my shoulder to give everyone the impression that we were an item as the "creepy step-cousins," not that I minded, because we had done a practice run of poses to get me comfortable with someone touching and holding me. The great thing about it was that it was Tom's idea because he knew that I was someone who had never been in a romantic relationship, so he didn't want me to be uncomfortable or jumpy every time that he had to hold me for our cover. Honestly, I'm glad that Fuller gave me Hanson as a partner.

When Mr. Sanchez finally arrived, everyone moved to their seats.

"Good morning, class," he deadpanned.

"Good morning, Mr. Sanchez," we responded with as much energy as the creepy twins from The Shining.

"I hope that Ms. Taylor and Mr. Nelson will not distract the class with their moronic commentary today," he said nonchalantly as he unpacked his papers from his briefcase.

I clenched my fist to restrain myself from giving a one-liner, but Tom took my hand to comfort me. Not that I'm complaining; my hands are like ice right now, stupid A.C. Stupid Mr. Sanchez.

The Rookie & Tom Hanson: A "21 Jump Street" StoryWhere stories live. Discover now