The Dream Man

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(okay so um last chapter was a little wacky, so now I have some silly will wood voice claim man for everyone :3)

The transition from what I'll call not sleeping and dreaming is weird.. it's sudden and you sometimes don't realize when it's happened.

I found myself in that same armchair, in that same dark room with a black glossy floor that PJ always brought me to. I put a hand on my chest and face to make sure I was alive. I sighed in relief when I didn't feel any wounds on my body, and my clothes were unharmed.

I looked at the large couch that PJ usually sat on in front of me. He wasn't there. "PJ?" I called out, and looked behind me, putting an arm over the backrest of the chair.

Nothing but a black abyss.

I slowly turned back to the couch in front of me, and jumped when I saw a fluffy white maine coon, calmly sitting there and looking at me. I tilted my head.

".. hi, kitty. Where's-"

Then, a glittery blue smoke exploded from the cat, and when it cleared, there was PJ, in all his glory. He sat in his usual dramatic position, a hand under his chin and his legs crossed.

"Helloo, there, dear!" PJ laughed at my shocked expression. "You look shaken. What did I miss?" He asked, tilting his head. He had a thick French accent and talked loudly.

I paused, confused. "Nothing."

PJ paused and looked at me, batting his eyelids as he blinked. He always had that dark blue eyeshadow. "Ah, of course, dear!" before reaching a hand out. A tall glass of champagne appeared in his hand, and he took a sip before speaking again. "Anyway! I'd love to hear about your day, dear! Tell me, what happened?" He said, sounding excited.

I paused, remembering everything. I felt.. scared. I looked back down at my lap. "I don't wanna talk about it." I sighed.

PJ frowned but nodded. "Awh, that bad? I'm sorry, my darling dreamer. You deserve to have all the good days," he sighed. "Would a snack help you feel better?" He then suggested, his tone picking back up. I perked up and nodded, as I looked back at him.

PJ smiled at me and clapped his hands, and a small slice of blueberry pie resting on a white ceramic plate appeared on my lap. I was a little surprised, but went with it. "Thanks-" I smiled at PJ, as I picked up the plate. A fork appeared in my hand.

"Of course! Anything for you, dear." PJ said, sounding happy. I took a bite of the pie, and it was good.

PJ paused before speaking again. "You.. do look quite.. what should I say.." he sighed, looking for words as he put a hand on his jaw. He took another drink from his champagne. "Drained. You look tired and stressed. Are you sure there isn't something you'd like to tell me?" He sounded concerned, and I felt a little bad.

I sighed before answering. "I just.. got attacked and hurt is all. By some weird monster. It just happened and I must have passed out. I'm definitely still.. really scared.. from all of it." I explained, and poked at my slice of pie, avoiding PJ's gaze.

"Oh.. oh dear, I'm.. sorry.." PJ's tone was quiet. "If I would have known you had one of those creatures in your world, I.." his tone was unusually sad, and his shoulders slumped. I looked back at him.

"What even is that thing?" I asked, feeling anxiety creeping in.

PJ paused and looked to the side, an uncomfortable look on his face. He seemed to not want to answer. "Well- it's.." he began, tone stiff. He tugged at his yellow ascot. "It's a creature that is said to be sent from the demonic reality. They're like, let's say.. a pest." He explained. That raised a lot more questions in me.

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