She helps you through a breakup

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader Warnings: None Requested: taylorsparis

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Pairing: Taylor Swift x (female) reader
Warnings: None
Requested: taylorsparis

"Breakups are hard and they do hurt, but it's possible to move on from them." Taylor tries.

You remained silent, indicating for Taylor to continue to speak with an arm wrapped around your shoulders as her way of bringing the best source of comfort possible. What happened was that your now ex girlfriend had broken up with you that morning over a cruel text message.

Taylor is there comforting you, feeling really sick about what the text message read, almost regretting to read it for herself. Not only was it cruel but it was a lot of things people may not want to hear about. The text message was brief, giving you a double take on reading it over a couple of times.

It read:

"I found someone better. You and I are done."

This had Taylor not only sick, but livid that someone one would do such a thing to a kind hearted, phenomenal girl.

It went quiet again before Taylor finds something more to say.

"This just means that there is someone better for you out there. You just have to be patient and wait until they show up, honey. Anyone wouldn't know just how lucky the would be to have you as theirs." 

Taylor was currently recovering from a breakup herself, it's taking her sometime to heal from it as it would for anyone.

According to Taylor, it gets better every day. The thing is, this was your first breakup and while you were in that relationship, Taylor secretly started gaining feelings for you but was stuck frozen at the thought of telling you. She couldn't decide if now would be the best time to confess,  what Taylor didn't realize was that you started feeling for her as well. But you couldn't allow yourself to look at other girls in the same way as the one you're currently with. For Taylor, it was a huge relief after she had confessed. Following her confession, you had confessed also of the same feelings you shared with her and after all of that, you both had long late night talks about your feelings over the phone.

After a few more phone calls, Taylor thought it would do you some good to get you out of the house and took you to your favorite bar in town. You were still healing from the breakup and it the least thing you had expected to happen, happened. It was honestly a chance encounter when you both run into your ex girlfriend and she was surprisingly by herself. The minute you see her, your first instinct was to pull away from the encounter and to either find a place to hide or go to a different bar. However, Taylor tightens her grip on your wrist, not enough to hurt you but enough to keep you there.

"This is something you have to face, (Y/n). No more hiding from the issue." Taylor whispers.

From the way she said it, it sounded as though she had planned this meet up, but a few moments later would tell you otherwise, basically once your ex begins asking you for a second chance.

A chance you were unwilling to give.

This was not what you needed right now, this right here was making that wound from healing to reopening, and you needed that to stop. You did not want to get back together with her, you knew the words to proclaim that but you couldn't speak. Your tongue was frozen and keeping you from speaking out to stick up for yourself.

"I was wondering if you could give me another chance?" She asks sweetly.

Seeing that you're unable to speak, Taylor speaks up for you, and she pretty much nailed it.

"I'm sorry.. but you're a little too late. She's already taken by someone else." Taylor says, earning a dirty look from your ex.

Taylor didn't care.

"Oh, really? Taken? By who?"

"By me." Taylor replies, before grabbing a hold of you.

Taylor turns you to face her and unexpectedly seals the deal with a kiss, making your ex groan and roll her eyes before walking away.

Just like that, she was gone. It was just you and Taylor again, that felt incredibly nice. This is the part where things between you and Taylor become official. Taylor slowly pulls away from the kiss, almost lovingly as her nose is just barely resting on top of yours, softly stroking your cheek with her thumb.

"I love you, (Y/n)."

"I love you more, Taylor."

The next chapter begins.

Requests are open!!!

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